Looks like they're taking Hasan's advice
Cope harder lmao
A dying empire doing everything it can to delay the inevitable. We really are watching the beginning of the end of the US hegemony aren't we?
He's right. In a declining capitalist state like the current US, workers want change. In the absence of a genuine working class party that correctly blames capitalism and the capitalist class for a revolution, you get a "radical" capitalist-funded party that at least points the blame at someone — marginalized people.
The dems only offer to preserve the status quo, and no one fucking wants the status quo.
Get organized. Liberal democracies in the imperial core historically always slide to fascism.
Who could've guessed that appealing to far-right republicans — who are going to vote republican anyway — wouldn't be a winning strategy?
Okay, isn't bombing an embassy an absolutely insane escalation? Even throughout WW1, WW2, or any other war in the past century, no country was crazy enough to undermine the sanctity of diplomacy like this and antagonize everyone.
The only other time this has happened in history was when NATO bombed a Chinese embassy in Belgrade in 1999, and even here the US — the most war-mongering nation on the planet — apologized, said it was a mistake (though it definitely wasn't — it was removed from the list of prohibited targets beforehand and struck 3 separate times), and paid for it to be rebuilt. Israel is completely unhinged.
Sanctions just 7 settlers instead of the state directly backing settlements and can't even keep that up. Fucking pathetic.
Looks like he was an anarchist comrade.
Well they already had firefox installed it seems
Great that they're supporting Palestine diplomatically I guess, but so far they're still trading with israel, even if with some "bureaucratic obstacles"
I guess that's the drawback of positioning yourself as an alternative to the US that doesn't interfere with foreign politics. The USSR was openly funding armed Palestinian resistance like the PFLP.