you gain karma for killing bad people
lol dumbass boston dynamics never thought to put wheels on their stupid robot
I at least want every adaptation of a thing to have some nerd who has at least read the wiki for whatever thing
like idk, it's shitty when people who know literally fuck dick all about something you like tries to make an adaptation of it, because it will suck all ass
or shit like the Foundation tv show where the showrunner just wanted to do their own fucking sci fi bullshit and they just used the IP as a vehicle for it
I just found out this highway running through my city, i-73, was being built as part of a plan to link Michigan's upper peninsula to myrtle beach, and basically the whole thing is now fucked because Virginia is the only state that has done nothing, allocated no funding, and is now going like "yeah fuck I-73"
they've been working on it for 30 years
And people seriously think China isn't going to just exponentially surpass this shithole
If the dagger footed dinosaur hates and wants to kill us all why the fuck is it wandering in an area with a park bench
going in to work with a smile on my face shouting "happy 9/11!!"
Im going to be real i would be very tempted to walk out with my shit at that point
hot take:
if you do work, you're working class
if you own work, you're not
no question pleas
I wish Victoria 3 had fortifications so that I could roleplay a 100 years early Enver Hoxha and spend half my country's gdp on bunkers so that when the British eventually come, they never leave alive
Holy fucking shit on a dick I hate fucking feeding football players, jesus christ.
Honestly it makes me think all sports should just be banned because they eat like 4-5x as much as normal people do. Just to be huge and push each other and throw ball? Fuck off out of here, fuck
I love when a captcha is like IDENTIFY THE MOTORCYCLE and it's like a fucking moped, I know MORE THAN YOU, ROBOT.
I wish he took his wallet so he'd be just like Robin hood, stealing from the rich