[-] Arcka@midwest.social 6 points 1 month ago

There are some blatant disinformation peddlers on Lemmy and it seems like Grue and yimby should have that reputation because the developed area in the second pic barely overlaps that of the first. How could this be anything but intentional?

Here's a side-by-side with as close as I could get with current imagery:

Identified in each is the 1910 Harris County Courthouse which is many blocks away from the are of the second pic.

Here's a comparison of the two and an intermediate perspective from modern imagery. The approximate area of the two pics are outlined in different colors, and a few buildings that are common in all three have been lettered. These are now some of the smaller buildings in the downtown area. It makes sense that lower-density / less-efficient buildings would be replaced with more modern structures (though one of them was replaced with a park 💚🌳). The implication from initial juxtaposition of the original pics that a bunch of tall buildings were torn down to make parking lots is a flat out lie.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 6 points 2 months ago

Except the value proposition still needs to make sense, so resigning to just pay the ~~creator~~ license holder exorbitant rates for ever-more-enshittified services is learning the wrong lesson.

They have used their control over the system to grotesquely distort copyright from its original intent of getting more cultural works into the public domain for people to use and build on, to instead lock everything away for lifetimes. Don't buy into their lies and propaganda that they have any moral high ground.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 5 points 3 months ago

Do you think the whole "not really recyclable" trope could actually be a campaign by big oil to resign people to the assertion that we just need to keep producing more new plastics?

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 5 points 5 months ago

The affidavit does not mention the full list of influencers [...]

Well, why not? Name and shame all of them.


keeping a list of more than 2,800 influencers world wide [...] to monitor and potentially groom

You want to persecute the victims? These people are being targeted by the Russian state and probably haven't done anything wrong. They should be protected from that, and also from those who are too quick to judge before they understand the situation.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 4 points 5 months ago

Tell me you've never compiled software from open source without saying you've never compiled software from open source.

The only differences between open source and freeware are pedantic, right guys?

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 6 points 8 months ago

Or if the fuses apply to too broad of a system, the wireless modem should be able to be disconnected.

Manufacturers like to implement this capability using modules which can be used across their lines of vehicles. Here's an example for a 2017 Silverado, but you'd want to research service manuals / diagrams for the vehicle you're considering buying: https://www.silveradosierra.com/threads/2017-silverado-removed-lte-modem.660593/

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 4 points 10 months ago

Because it's tldr: did the article say why muskrat would be subject to brazilian laws?

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 4 points 1 year ago

Disproves which part of what he wrote?

Or disproves the strawman you set up yourself?

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 4 points 1 year ago

No. For workers volume is not the likely issue, weight capacity is - and the two vehicles are very different especially for towing.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 5 points 1 year ago

Just because people use display names for that doesn't mean display names are a good place to indicate pronouns, and it especially doesn't mean that having a client use usernames is alienating anyone who currently puts non-name data in a name field.

I'd much rather there be a dedicated field where it can be treated with the importance it deserves and not just lumped in with other miscellany as a kludge.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 6 points 1 year ago

Copying is not theft or stealing.

[-] Arcka@midwest.social 7 points 2 years ago

For this headline/article, and US english in general, park passes do not refer to parking. The passes referred to would also not be used while they're on duty.

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