She's not going to beat him in the primary, however there's a not insignificant chance that Trump flames out (disqualification or conviction) and she'll be the only candidate left with some delegates and she'll default her way into the nomination.
Beware the touch attack on that monster.
The lack of in-person community in modern American life has a profound and far reaching impact that I think many people fail to appreciate.
I would add a progressively higher tax rate for each property beyond 2-3.
Yikes, good luck Argentina.
I'm so skeptical of companies, that I almost instinctively distrust any company which directly advertises to me. I would be doubly so if that ad came soon after discussing a need.
It's still so wild to me that after all these years of seeing Trump lie, cheat, bully, grift, and bloviate that anyone looks at him and says, yes this is the man I want to lead our country.
Just listening to him rant for like five minutes should be enough for anyone to realize that he's an incompetent asshole wholly unworthy of respect, much less public office. And yet, here we are with like 40% of the country saying he's their guy.
Maybe it should be. Decoupling retirement and Wall Street would probably let us take a more honest look at the costs and benefits of for profit corporations in our society.
It is a little mystifying that they continue to be so bad at maps across so many games.
I really hope "influencer" is a temporal addition to our society, dies soon, and is remembered in the future as a particularly ridiculous aspect of the early 21st century.
I get the feeling their system will just take all the worst parts of video gaming - micro transactions, walled content, and bugs - and make D&D worse. I'm betting it will be a corporate profit first, community second approach.
What would be awesome is something that makes the table top experience easier and blends the best elements of VTT with in-person gaming. I'd love to a hybrid system in which physical tokens can interact with a digital table top.
Given that abortion and legal weed will both be on the ballot in Florida this cycle, turnout could a lot different this time around.