Maybe you have something blocking them? Try to disable all your plugins and check any of such hidden posts again, or even do so through a new profile altogether, if your browser allows profiles. domains also have issues subscribing, redirecting to a 50x error page despite successfully being subscribed to.
[Issue] Another domain with issues when subscribing: Also redirects to a 50x error page and subscribing still works for the account despite the error.
[Issue] Subscribing to magazines from the domain makes the page redirect to the 50x error page. Despite the error, subscribing still turns out successful.
And besides the discussion that brought the controversy, from what I can gather, Linux benefits the most from KVM, making using a virtual machine with some super old Linux system in it very viable. ^_^
Yes. ( also just remembered there are some mix up in naming conventions across the fediverse... "<.< )
Just checked your instance, and this page seems like a good start:
Then you can filter pages around, subscribe to pages as they pick your interest, etc.
Then, if it's anything like Lemmy World about sorting (can't verify since I don't have an account in your instance), you can visit to check all your subscribed contents, and by newest (I recommend "newest" because I get the impression posts start repeating themselves after a while with other sorting features).
In my case, it's even worse due to using other services too. What I end up doing is noting everything on digital sheets like LibreOffice, and trying to organize in a way that makes sense.