[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 13 points 4 months ago

Haha marketing is what it is... a joke I made up some 30 years ago was that, despite what we see on the surface - the evidence proves that women are disgusting, dirty, fat, ugly animals that need a vast array of products to be created so that they can go outside without offending everyone...

So yes, you're right to find this ridiculous and offensive - but at the heart of it is simple greed, which is the real meaning of the American Dream.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

I think YouTube is dying.

Already, I see many of my favourite channels being restricted (one Ukrainian blogger) whilst the completely moronic, yet dangerous conspiracy theory/Flat-Earthers flourish.

Meanwhile, the most common thing we see is the push to sign up and pay them - yet with all the censorship (not simply censored for non-paying customers to allow the advertisements) it is not a viable option.

Thankfully I still use a Desktop - with Firefox and decent extras the actual ads are still not affecting me at all, but YouTube's policies really are.

They are completely above the law - they don't need to respect their own TOS (the reasons many people are blocked is more related to some secret narrative, and it goes against their own stated terms).

There is no way to appeal outside YouTube, and good luck with any idea of taking them to court for removing your income stream, or censoring a very useful source of information whilst spamming you with algorithms that treat you like Spongebob, and expect you to watch completely moronic content.

I suggest YouTube is a conspiracy to destroy the world, starting with the world population's ability to think.

Convince me I'm wrong ;)

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 17 points 10 months ago

The logic of gay couples or single people not buying houses is astounding...

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 21 points 10 months ago

There are a couple of things here... firstly you're thinking about him being with someone else - that's not just a 'breakup', that's worse.

Anyway, I found relaxing to be difficult so I went out and did stuff - also I just met lots of friends and tried not to be on my own. During my last breakup, I had someone to meet every day after work for a week - and that put some distance which made it easier.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 55 points 1 year ago

So really, it's not just me that found him to be producing smarmy and careless content? My first views were of his various challenges - where they consistently 'proved' that people can't do things in an OS that they don't have experience with, which means they'd be better off doing it in a much worse OS that they used since they were kids - and therefore it's better.

I really liked Nexus's video - though it didn't help me as I wouldn't waste time on LTT. I don't like or trust these coroporate video mills, any more than I trust Google/Youtube - they don't give a toss as long as the money flows and they didn't get sued.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 121 points 1 year ago

Old news - she was taking Omega 3 capsules. Omega 3 comes from fish oil, and helps your brain develop, thus enhancing your intelligence and possibly making you more 'arty'.

The competition refuses to accept photos enhanced by arty fish-oil intelligence.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago

Sometimes there is VICARIOUS pleasure to be had - I never noticed 'schlorp schlorp' noises.

There's a lot of truth in the adage that 'sex sells'. To imagine yourself being in the position of the person on screen is rather a guilty pleasure, enabling you to take part in 'consentual sex' with someone by simply imagining that you are the one doing the act.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

To begin with, I'd stop her using the YouTube website logged in.

Set her up with Inoreader - then when you find something interesting, you can visit the 'video' page and subscribe to the feed...

If you log her out, that will mean she just uses it without logging in - which works ok for feeds. She can browse, but it's fresh.

Just a few suggestions that work for me - via RSS feed (not subscribed in Youtube):

  • Juicy Life
  • Sci Show
  • Simonscat
  • FailArmy
  • Daily Dose
  • Vlad Vexler
  • Big Think

With inoreader it's a simple task to mark all items in a folder as read if you want to skip them. Also, with the inoreader account you can log in remotely at any browser, then you can find stuff you think is cool and subscribe - then that will show up in her feeds.

Not only video/youtube.

  • !dadjokes works too - Lemmy stuff, any stuff.https://driveandlisten.herokuapp.com/home

  • Then some interesting pinned tabs/bookmarks like https://window-swap.com/

  • Then you should also show her the new Radio

I love this site, I found a couple of dozen and added them in pyradio app so I've always got interesting listening when I don't want to stare at the screen.

Clever crows... (lemmy.world)

A study had to be commissioned, after finding out that crows are social animals, near a busy highway.

Crows can recognise individual people, they post guard crows on buildings, light poles as they go down to find food.

Anyway, it seems they were ONLY getting killed by trucks on a busy highway, so cameras got installed and recordings were studied.

It turns out that the Guard crows can easily spot a hazard and screetch loudly "Cah!!! Cah!!!. But it seems they were completely unable to shout "Truck Truck".

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 8 points 1 year ago

The best thing about comments is that they draw pretty coloured nesting lines.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by BendyLemmy@lemmy.world to c/dadjokes@lemmy.world

I felt great, until they told me it was my IQ test.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 39 points 1 year ago

Great news.

I only ever used Reddit in Firefox on desktop anyway - but now I use it a whole lot less (maybe just one reply per day trolling people with interesting posts they'd be better posting here).

Lemmy is a shit-show... but it's OUR shit-show and we'll adjust, and clever people will develop.

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

I could just log in to BeeHaw...

[-] BendyLemmy@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lolz that's crazy... we should only take good ideas from Reddit.

I'm happy that most folks (in this thread, at least) seem to be of a similar mindset.

I struggled with Karma for a month, then I jumped on a few new 'DadJokes' and copy pasted a couple of puns - masses of Karma meant I could carry on trolling.

Votes are the way to push good/relevant comments upwards or downwards - and without value outside the thread, they'll only be used for that... as it should be.

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