My head canon is that she's the Rick Sanchez of her universe only she's a force for good rather than nihilism and self-indulgence.
"and I helped!" - United States
How much of that is just new users doing their 23rd Arch install?
I hope this place burns to the ground
"Dad! Don't say that! What if it actually happened!?"
Google is the only brand I know of where people go out of their way to own the hardware but do everything in their power to avoid the software.
Wait, no. Razor... Razor exists. NO ONE'S MOUSE NEEDS A DAILY DRIVER UPDATE!
slaps the hood of my 03 Acura shitbox type S
Yep, she's a keeper.
She developed a new form of 3D printer for printing extremely long objects.
The printer can effectively print a chain forever if given enough filament, as it prints at a 45 degree angle on a belt.
Good for cosplay swords, poles, staffs, belts, lamp posts, other long and hard things.
Better get a move on, the earth is getting up there in age and might not be able to do a third before it retires.
You can sit back and wonder why the fuck we're still dealing with these petty garbage laws, or... realize the horror at how much taxpayer money is used to write them up, bicker and decide over them and waste time and resources in our legal system.
Every one of these right-wing, trash laws is a black hole of bullshit, sucking money from our economy, going nowhere, meant to do nothing but point and make a statement they don't even expect to pass.
Fuck all of it. You only get to choose to be against them, you can't choose whether your money was used to poop them into existence.
what is my purpose?
"You're a VPN and you filter ads via DNS."
fucking sweet, man. Glad I'm not an emulation console.
Never trust a web browser sold to you with crypto incentives.
Firefox is foss, transparent and it has more than enough add-ons to make brave pointless.
but RAM and page loading speed
Oh no!
(no one cares)
cool, man
keeps pirating