I honestly didn't even stop to think it was magic. My Autumn side just made a donation of 2 plat to the church (Of the Gnomish kindly trickster god, who teaches and takes. Temple was more like a comfy little home with a fireplace), made a prayer and the old lady minding the place from her rocking chair gave me a flute
So...Just have curses be permanent? Why?
It's a thing about Law, specifically the realm of Law, Mechanus, who's power I would guess they carry with them.
One of the (I think optional in 5e) realm rules for Mechanus is you do not make attack rolls. Instead, you treat any roll as a 10 and add your stat and proficiency as the realm removes the idea of random chance and focuses on clockwork regularity. Even damage die default to their average, which makes combat a lot more straight forward but also means you can come up on something you literally cannot hurt.
There's a handy common level magic item in Xanathar's Guide, called the Clockwork Amulet, which let's you skip an attack roll and just take it as a ten, and do so once per day (No attunement, resets at sunrise). It's a good thing in certain situations
He rose to godhood a century ago using six magical crystal gems, and in doing so both felled an Orc god and an evil Orc champion, the foul Ho'Gann
I remember a point where Magneto trapped Red Skull in a metal bunker underground with just bare minimum supplies then sealed the place
It wasn't a dungeon, it was a harbor city we were literally just using as a point to teleport to in order to cut a week+ off our travel time. And it's kind of thrown some wrenches into our long term issues.
As it stands it lead to a Navy Captain and her plattoon coming to see us while we were getting horses near the city gates.
That lead to him revealing to her, in a private talk, that his church has some demonic infiltrators of some sort, which will cause issues with the shade we've been having them throw on the Human Queen as she is controlled by the Yellow Diamond (Yes, that one), but as he did not mention that latter bit to the captain for some reason, she just has partial information, meaning she can give this to the queen as cassus belli to have her millitia march on the neutral City of Temples without knowledge that her own monarch is compromised.
If he had just not suddenly added Sir to his name, or doubled down, the worst we'd have is maybe some monster hunters coming for me thinking I'm a hag, which isn't that bad honestly, but our current plan is less than a week from our big plan to stage an assault on a Drow capital to free them from the demon worshiping leadership, we just got this information that there may be some level of issue among the Paladin's church, and now we have another timer until the Captain decides to pass this information along and we have the Human Empire marching on the City of Temples.
And the Paladin probably would have been fine if he'd doubled down and stuck with the "Sir", but backing down to erase it when questioned is going to raise suspicion and make it more obvious he's lying. With the guard getting a lucky 17 on insight roll from that, it just went downhill
From our campaign sheet, the Church of Macho Madness is Chaotic Good, Light Domain
He'll one day be a lord, and institute the CHEESE TAX
Well at this point, my Warlock has an enemy for almost each season, them being an Eladrin
Spring has this situation, where some servant of the archdevil knows her face
Summer has a Lich Queen who has his portrait from a ghost who saw him during a heist of her library
Autumn's issue is she trapped a Dracolich in the astral sea with no way back on her own
Winter is the only one sitting pretty, with the only big name attached to his face being that the Winter Queen adores him as much as she does all children of winter
Wait until the players become the crew of the Red Dwarf
So we're at the start of a war where, thanks to saving a GOO Warlock and getting help from her connections, we're coming up from the sewers closer to the middle of town while allies attack from opposite sides of the Drow capital.
While our 160 soldiers went off to secure the borders of the market district as our safe house/staging point, my party (5 level 12 characters, a Half Orc Berserker Barbarian, an Eladrin Celestial Warlock, a part panther Halfling Scout Rogue, a Kobold Rune Knight Fighter, and a Half Goblin/Half Yuan Ti Glamour Bard) stayed behing to go through the 50 CR1/4 Drow warriors in the area we're in as the war is kicking off.
Yes, I know they're they're only CR1/4, but because their HP was just high enough, this actually did end up being more efficient as I was trying to conserve resources as it may be a bit before we can short rest.
As it stands, my Eldritch Blast is 1d10+4 per dart, and these guys had 13 HP, so any given dart on it's own had a high chance to not secure a kill if I was going one dart per enemy.
With Green-flame Blade, my initial attack would be 1d6+4+2d8 and the rider would be 2d8+8 (since Radiant Soul can add my CHA to fire damage spells when cast, I could have added it to either but kept it to the rider). This just ended up being a more consistent damage in the amount I needed, and the total max is about the same, just split between two targets