[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 35 points 2 days ago

the-democrat "We lost? It's because we didn't do enough to appeal to conservative voters!"

the-democrat "We won? In the spirit of unity, it's time to work across the aisle with our Republican colleagues."

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 35 points 2 days ago

Stein is mostly a gadfly, but gadflies get attention. The dems have no incentive to court leftist votes if they assume we're too small to make an impact or we'll fall in line no matter what they say. The possibility of the Green party becoming viable is one way to demonstrate that that isn't true. I prefer PSL as well, but it looks like the Greens are marginally better known and currently ahead in ballot access.

As for AOC and the DSA, the latter rescinded its endorsement of the former, so I don't think you can treat them as associated. As for why that endorsement was rescinded, it was because AOC got that power and then refused to use it to advance the DSA's objectives. She executed on a plan to gain power, sure, but she's not putting that power to good use, so I don't know what the lesson is there. It's easier to get power if you submit to the establishment?

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 92 points 3 days ago

Jill Stein living rent free in AOC's head has been extremely funny.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 25 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

"We have to make compromises when there's a fascist on the ballot."
"Why was the fascist allowed to be on the ballot in the first place?"
"What will the allegedly non fascist party do to prevent fascists from getting on the ballot next time?"
"Weren't members of the allegedly non-fascist party responsible for helping the current fascist win the 2016 primaries?"
"Weren't historical fascist movements able to rise to power despite electoral defeats?"
"Well what are you doing about it? At least I'm voting!"

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 13 points 3 days ago

Not that you can see this reply, but this was literally crossposted to our news comm, soup for brains.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That was a funny response because shortly before the debate there was a Hexbear post about a report that compared China's rate of technological progress to the US's and found that the US was behind China in all technologies but two. Guess which ones? Someone on Kamala's team must have also seen it.

I tried to find the post but I'm not sure where it went.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 20 points 4 days ago

Just a good ol' bad cop/psycho cop routine.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 18 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

So what you do is you take a nuke. Drop it in a hole. Then drop another one in. Then another one. Hope you brought a lot of nukes. Eventually the gas law (Pv=nrt baby) dictates that you end up with an atmosphere dense enough to be breathable plus you're definitely low enough down that you're shielded from radiation. Bring some looooong cables to connect to solar panels up on the surface, crank up the heater, hang up a grow lamp for your potatoes, and live large in the miles-deep, yards-wide prison you dug for yourself.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 32 points 4 days ago

The funny thing is She of the Real Time Fact Checkers lied her ass off the entire time. She lied about the Chinese Covid response, she repeated the Hamas sexual assault allegations that the NYT chose not to print, she either lied about her love of fracking (less likely) or her belief that climate change is an existential threat (more likely)*.

The thing is those lies are all within the Pale of Discourse so they go unchallenged. Trump is such a gift to the democrats because they get to go as far to the right as they want while still keeping their cherished veneer of intelligence and maturity.

*I suppose she could think both and either be a bona-fide threat to humanity or a complete idiot who doesn't know what's causing climate change

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 24 points 5 days ago

It's a really psychologically isolating day to be a leftist in what has been a very long series of psychologically isolating days. The extent to which people just... don't care, can't be bothered to consider the perspective of someone outside their borders is gross.

[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 53 points 5 days ago

Analysts say allowing autocracy to once again flourish in North America and in the ethnostates of sub-Scandinavian Europe could lead to yet another all-out Caucasian tribal conflict that would draw in the rest of the international community – a third world war.


[-] BodyBySisyphus@hexbear.net 67 points 5 days ago

She also essentially ran the lab leak conspiracy theory on covid.


There's a beautiful 20-year-old citation that doesn't map to anything that he's saying and seems from the abstract to be critical of microfinance as an enterprise.

This post brought to you by the Grameen Bank guy apparently being put in charge in Bangladesh? His bank said they had to charge 15% interest on microloans to break even and people were struggling to see the benefits back in 1998.


Oil companies lobbied for - and received in the Inflation Reduction Act - better subsidies for carbon capture and storage while overstating its efficacy and selling captured CO2 for new oil extraction


Vote Yellowstone Supervolcano for Erupting and Finally Putting a Stop to All This Nonsense 2024

Mandatory reading for new users (press.princeton.edu)

The big AI models are running out of training data (and it turns out most of the training data was produced by fools and the intentionally obtuse), so this might mark the end of rapid model advancement


Oh no, our system that enables frauds and liars who engage in relentless self promotion over people with actual capability has generated another disrobed emperor shocked-pikachu

"He's one of the more intellectually dishonest guys in tech," another said at the time."I've had plenty of meetings with him where he says things where I'm like, 'That just cannot possibly be true,' but he can kinda get away with it."

The cherry on top:

Axel Springer, Business Insider's parent company, has a global deal to allow OpenAI to train its models on its media brands' reporting


The hubris of zooming around Poseidon's domain like it owned the place
Forgot to pack short grain rice, soy sauce, rice vinegar, and Wasabi. Hope you like seaweed for dinner, boys!
Captain is a self-professed loner, has a mode of travel that requires dozens of crew in close proximity.
Definitely smelled musty in there.
20,000 leagues was the distance they traveled, depth rating was probably nothing special.

spoiler for a 200 year old bookCouldn't even handle one measly whirlpool, probably would've performed awful in a hot tub
Most importantly: shared a name with the worst animal in the ocean. Terrible choice.


From this post: https://hexbear.net/post/2063160. The whole comments thread is gold, this guy is on a reply streak.

Someone get him on the lathe, let's see more CEOs getting held personally liable.

Also, bonus points that this guy can take time away from his busy day of running a company to post on IGN comment threads, really speaks to the important work he's doing.

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