Come check out the Superb Owl Super Bowl happening over on
Owl facts and adorable pictures abound.
Come check out the Superb Owl Super Bowl happening over on
Owl facts and adorable pictures abound.
And then the movie patient pops up and smiles and everything is perfectly restored back to normal instead of, "Oh, we convinced your heart to start beating again, but you're still unconscious probably because you have brain damage, your kidneys are dying, your blood is acidic, and now we're gonna put you on a breathing machine. Best wishes!"
Oh, you think I only steal hoodies from people I boned. Joke's on you, no hoodie is safe in my presence.
Just did. Won our vote Wednesday night 💪
In real life, a restaurant can and will kick you out and ban you from the premises for wearing a swastika and saying you think minorities don't deserve to live.
Ergo, being kicked off a company's privately owned server for hate speech is EXACTLY the same amount of freedom they would have in real life.
Or "y'all"
Saying "chat" to address a group or room full of people isn't different at all from addressing them as "y'all"
The most effective medication is the one that actually gets used.
Millions of peaches! Peaches for me. Millions of peaches! Peaches for free.
Tl;dr - a large percentage of the list are birds from Hawaii that clearly didn't survive the introduction of cats. And several more are fresh water mussels probably lost to the zebra mussel invasion.
I don't mow my lawn.
Fully invested in the no lawn movement, I've been slowly replacing my grass with "no-mow" fine fescue grasses that fall over when they grow long instead of standing up straight. They grow slowly and are meant to not be mowed most of the summer season, just a couple times in the spring and cut down low in the fall.
Between that and using shredded leaves as mulch in my flower beds or lasagna mulching to create a new flower bed, my neighbors definitely think I'm a bit off.
I miss having a mask on all day at work because now I have to make an effort to hide my sarcastic faces again
Birds. I guess it doesn't feel that niche because I know lots of people are into bird watching, but it's my thing.
There's this app called Merlin that I swear to god is magic. You can just open your mic and it'll listen to and identify all of the birds you're hearing.
And it really works! For the longest time, it kept identifying a Carolina Wren in my yard, and I thought it was just wrong. I'll be damned if I didn't eventually see that wren, and now it frequents the bird feeder I set up on my deck. It's just my shyest bird. But the app knew it was out there.
I've learned so much about birds and identifying them from using the app. And I've gotten really into how, when, and what to feed birds because I want to find more different kinds, and I just love watching them on the deck interacting. I call it my cat TV haha
I'm also learning a ton about owls specifically over on the community. Did you know there are owls in the desert and owls in Jamaica? Come over to the community where makes the most amazing educational posts. It's a lot of fun.