Maybe don't have your "festival for peace and love" in an apartheid state about 5km from one of the most contested borders in the world? Not saying what Hamas did was right but goddamn was that some ignorant yuppie shit to have a music festival right there
I do. It helps to have it all in one place. Also since I'm paying for Spotify, I'm glad I'm not paying for another separate podcast service, and it feels like I get my money's worth. Probably listen to a good 3-4 hours of podcasts per week and another 20-30 hours of music. If I was JUST doing podcasts, I'd probably use another service but it's nice to have it all in one place that behaves the same for me in the car.
Jesus she's a piece of shit, but goddamn that dress 👀
I wanna li-li-li-li-lick you from your head to your toes
To fix the leak and possibly replace the handle if you're interested check this video. It may not feature your exact model but it will give you an idea of what you're in for. I did this myself on both of our bathrooms at our old house with no issues.
As far as reconfiguring the type of mixing etc.. others have explained it pretty well. to me it would be a definite "call a plumber moment."
I can't handle your bigotry anymore I'm done for now. Enjoy your spite and hatefilled life.
Yes saying I would wear the symbol of a literal genocide is a joke hahaha
Righteous Gemstones is pretty hilarious as well- John Goodman and Danny McBride, Adam Levine, Walton Higgins and more.
Here take the last of my reddit gold 🪙
This is why they tried to fire Sam Altman