I wish I could stop. I bannished a lot of words from my language because they are insults which come from oppressive language sucheas words to insult sex workers or homosexuals. Of course, most of people don't use them with homophobic motives but the fact that they are insults is really bad imo.
Switched to PipePipe because Tubular is not updated as quickly as Tubular, the dev said it's not on the top of their list. Also PipePipe has some more features such as playing the video faster while you leaveea finger on the screen.
I had a JJ stent removed without anesthesia. I have a penis so they enter this way to get it out.
I thought the pain of the kidney stones, which were the reason I had a JJ sten, twere the most painful thing I could have in my life. Turns out I was wrong.
Remember to drink, really.
A chameleon so I can get the ability to camouflage. Well as long as I don't move. Also I think I can grab the TV remote controller with my tongue. Or do insane tricks throwing food and catching it with my tongue. And well... maybe other nice things to find out with that tongue. 🔞
And it was funny and instructive ! Thanks for it ! 😊
Si vous votez EELV pour sortir de la crise climatique on n'est pas rendu-es. 😬
Votez à gauche toute si la crise climatique est une de vos préoccupations majeures.
Don't know which one to recommend but I would never recommend Ubuntu. It is full of bugs to me. I used it for years without issues but now it is impossible for me. Installed it on my girlfriend's laptop recently and she has the same bugs I had years ago when I dropped it : network disconnects randomly and she has to reboot, bluetooth won't reconnect sometimes... I can help but it is definitely not working out of the box for users who are not into tech.
1 app on 76 apps is not open-source. So 98.7% of my apps are open-source !
"Can you hear my measles baby (measles baby) ?"
I am a dev but I always find it hard to get into the code of opensource projects so I am never able to contribute. I hope I can understand how to figure this one day.
I miss /r/rain and /r/cosyplaces
Destroying public services.