Seeing Number 12 looks like you and Fall of Troy for the first time soon I have no idea what to expect
Actually I expect like a small crowd of hipsters and only 2 people moshing their brains out
Seeing Number 12 looks like you and Fall of Troy for the first time soon I have no idea what to expect
Actually I expect like a small crowd of hipsters and only 2 people moshing their brains out
Yeah after the first month i still was skating slapped on an ankle brace and taking kratom and ibuprofen despite it still being in such a tragic state. A lot of other skaters do the same thing. We just be stubborn for whatever reason
Btw I didnt start feeling better until i started doing resistance band ankle workouts on month 2. I could finally start doing every trick after incorporating the workouts everyday.
I wasn’t debating this just pointing it out. Dont feel like reading