[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 66 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

The Winamp Collaborative License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. It is designed to ensure that you have the freedom to use, Modify, and study the software, but with certain restrictions on the distribution of modifications to maintain the integrity and collaboration of the project.

Oh god....

No Distribution of Modified Versions: You may not distribute modified versions of the software, whether in source or binary form. No Forking: You may not create, maintain, or distribute a forked version of the software. Official Distribution: Only the maintainers of the official repository are allowed to distribute the software and its modifications.

Copy left is not a protected term but yeah this is a shit license.

And how the fuck do you contribute code back without forking the project?!

EDIT: It looks like an issue has already been created and I absolutely love this thread where the license they are using is in violation of Github TOS.

They should have just kept the source closed! The speculation is that whomever purchased it wants to crowdsource contributions without adding any value themselves.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 63 points 1 month ago

That's really rare. Back when I was in school the professor who taught the class and wrote the book would, every year, change enough of it to sell a new addition. Either move the sections around or change the problems.

Just so he could make more money.

It was a calculus class.

Fuck him.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 65 points 2 months ago

"That dog is a DEI hire!"

  • Republicans, probably
[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 64 points 2 months ago

Get out of my brain.

I was literally just wondering why it's so effective and I think it's this.

Most liberal "insults" are draped in facts and figures, to the point that Republicans just close their ears and say AlTeRnAtIvE fAcTs.

I think the simplicity, and it's fact-less insult cuts through their reasoning brains (which there wasn't much of) and hits them in the emotional centers.

I mean....it took Democrats 6 years to figure this out?

Better late than never but happy we're finally hitting below the belt.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 63 points 3 months ago

My guess is that he's hoping that Trump will kick the bucket while in office and get a free pass without needing to campaign.

Remember your vote matters!

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 64 points 3 months ago

Hillary, much like Trump, is a symptom of what is wrong with the Democrats. "It was her turn" spat in the face of people who were excited about a progressive candidate and made the whole primary a sham.

She was a terrible candidate. She was a bitter pill that many independents said "enough is enough" and voted third party or not voted at all.

I am deeply concerned that as the Republicans move more toward fascism, the left are not going to have great candidates. We're going to get established, wealthy-class friendly candidates who are willing to throw crumbs at the working class. They'll bitch and moan about how they are losing voters, never looking at themselves, never realizing that we are literally voting to just survive.

This election will be just like 2020. We aren't voting for Biden. We're voting against fascism.

And I'm personally getting fucking tired of Democrats seeing that as a win.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 68 points 3 months ago


Bank of America, Comcast, Wells Fargo, Amazon, Google...

Just to name a few.

Ticketmaster is in the top 25 for sure.

I miss old-school Consumerist and their annual Worst Company in America brackets.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 62 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

If you simply want to allow people to view your code, you can just upload it to GitHub or something similar.

By default, your work is copyright and you hold all rights, excluding those you give up to GitHub.

Open-Sourcing your project is all about choosing the license that you want your users to use.

Please, for the love of God, choose an existing license. Don't go out and try to make one yourself or mix and match. Not only do you open yourself up to liability but it just makes it harder for you to keep track of it.

Choosing a license is all about your personal preference and what your goals are. The two ends of the spectrum:

  • MIT License: do whatever you want, so long as you attribute me. Most libraries use this license.
  • GPL/AGPL: if you use my code, you must also release using GPL/AGPL or similarly appropriate license. Linux Kernel famously uses version 2. Linus Torvalds has issues with some of the terms in V3.

There is a lot of middle ground between these two philosophies. Most of the major licenses have seen some level of court cases. I personally use AGPL, which is often seen as one of the strongest, most restrictive, licenses.

I do not recommend releasing code to public domain. This often is a point of contention between OSS purists and OSS "spirit". I personally believe we're entering a new world of AI-driven content and I don't want more code feeding that beast.

The license is then copied and pasted to a LICENSE file at the root of your repo and, boom. You've open sourced your code.

Keep in mind: that commit (and all future commits) will be available under that license until your copyright expires, so long as that license exists in your repo. You cannot claw it back.

One word of advice: you aren't likely going to see a bunch of people downloading your stuff. So don't get your hopes up that you'll have people submitting bug reports or making PRs, etc. All of my projects are just for me to use with one or two people reviewing it for fun. All but one, anyway.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 65 points 5 months ago

People still do.

I can't find the study but people over estimate whether someone looks familiar, especially in stressful situations.

There are people in prison right now because they look like the perpetrator.

Imma give you a guess as to the races of these people.

The wikipedia article on eyewitness testimony goes into more detail.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 66 points 5 months ago

They got light sentences. And let's face it, the people that are going to organize yet another insurrection are going to be duped by the same logic that Trump will pardon them or that their acts are justified.

Trump is threatening our democracy. Again.

He's saying that if he doesn't win, there's going to be another insurrection.

The sad reality is that over the last four years, fascist states have put laws into place that make it legal to overturn elections for little to no reason. No oversight.

He won't need an insurrection because he has willing accomplices.

[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 66 points 6 months ago
  • That didn't happen.
  • And if it did, it wasn't that bad. <-- We are here
  • And if it was, that's not a big deal.
  • And if it is, that's not my fault.
  • And if it was, I didn't mean it.
  • And if I did You deserved it.
[-] CosmicTurtle0@lemmy.dbzer0.com 64 points 6 months ago

A lot of people have forgotten that the lead up to the 2016 election, Republicans had passed bills in the house and Senate to do a full repeal of Obamacare. Something like 80+ times. Obama, of course, vetoed it. As the Republicans knew he would.

Trump comes into office, with a Republican majority and suddenly those bills stop.

Not a single bill goes through the house or Senate to do the full repeal.



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