Yeah sometimes things just have a natural shelf life.
Won't someone think of the investors?!
Anarchism is nearly always extremely local by its nature.
I grew up with two parents who are always engaging in glossolalia. They'll swear black and blue it's a language that connects them with god. To them it's not complete horseshit. But it is.
I think American's call them OtterPops? We call them icy poles. Wherever you are in the world, those things.
I had to tweak some settings on my PC and lower the output to 720p but mine seems to work pretty well with that.
I'd shout out Folding Ideas for his series on Flat Earthers, NFTs and Blockchain Games. And I'd shoutout Knowledge Fight for debunking pretty much everything Alex Jones has ever said as well as Tucker Carlson and Project Camelot.
Unless you live in an extreme snow, flood, fire or tornado prone region, I'd probably think you're crazy if that was your only reason to move. But if weather is just one of many reasons, like job, lifestyle, housing, travel... I get it.
When I worked in the supermarket, I would easily would have 4 hidden in different pockets and drawers.
Honestly, good for you. I think you're entirely deluded but maybe I'm just jaded from seeing centrist parties worldwide fail for the last two decades.