[-] D_a_X@feddit.org 1 points 1 day ago

So much wasted energy that could have been put to good use.

[-] D_a_X@feddit.org 0 points 1 day ago

!buyeuropean@feddit.uk and !buyfromeu@feddit.org are identical

Yes and, is it bad if there are two communities with the same content?
You remind me of my grandchild when it was three years old and wanted to have its way with lots of screaming and shouting. I's now six and you can already have sensible discussions with the child.
How old do you have to be to accept that other people see things differently to you?

By the way: Somehow there's a rumor going around on Lemmy that you're also trying this with other instances and other communities.

submitted 1 week ago by D_a_X@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by D_a_X@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org


Dies ist der wichtigste Kommentar, den ich diese Woche gehört habe - Polens Premierminister Donald Tusk:

"500 Millionen Europäer bitten 300 Millionen Amerikaner, sie gegen 140 Millionen Russen zu verteidigen [...] Europa, wenn es etwas gibt, das uns heute fehlt, dann ist es nicht wirtschaftliche oder demografische Macht, sondern der Glaube, dass wir wirklich eine globale Kraft sind."

Ich denke, Tusk trifft hier ins Schwarze. Diese 140 Millionen Russen sind bereits voll und ganz damit beschäftigt, gegen die Ukraine zu kämpfen, und unsere Politiker tun so, als wären wir Liechtenstein.

submitted 1 week ago by D_a_X@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org
submitted 1 week ago by D_a_X@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org

Damit ihr eine Idee habt, was als Nächstes bei uns aufschlägt.

submitted 1 week ago by D_a_X@feddit.org to c/dach@feddit.org


joined 7 months ago