This is the Internet. You can't say ass here!!!1
So what’s the new solution in place of DRM to make sure that the things you make aren’t ripped off by China or any other rich competitor?
This you?
B.utt P.lug for life!!!
And the person posting them produced no sources.
Tell you what: I'll post a picture of Martha Stewart and Snoop (there are lots of these photos on the interwebs) and then I'll start telling everyone Martha is Snoop's secret lover. I've presented a narrative that cannot be proven and is not the real story, BUT THERE ARE PICTURES! You see, without some sort of context and verification, any picture can be used to present a false narrative.
What is Russia's perspective? They invaded, and now they're upset they could lose the land they stole in 2014. They wanted a warm water port. They got it. But then they wanted all of the farm land in Ukraine, so they invaded again. Now they have no hope of gaining the farmland, and they may never get full use of the warm water port in Crimea. There is zero chance the Ukrainian people stop harassing Crimea.
NATO expanded as a result of the 2014 invasion (2017, 2020, 2023), so that member nations can maintain their ancestral lands and have no fear of being invaded by.. You guessed it: Russia
The iphone SE.. Was that not clear? The reason the jelly 2 isn't the same size is because the stuff like a headphone jack takes up space and iPhone users are willing to go without that stuff for the sake of the owning a phone by that brand
Why do they revere her? Like I get that she is a very beautiful white woman, but there are lots of those. There has to be more than just "she's hot and white so we've made her our goddess" right?
Damn I forgot about lamb, goat, and their cloven hoofed friends like deer
Lamb is readily available in the US, but we (excluding farmers and active hunters) tend to eat it selectively like duck or veal as a delicacy or a meal for a special occasion. Normal everyday people don't eat lamb, veal, or duck when cheaper chicken, beef, fish, etc is available. Americans have an aversion to eating cute animals.
Not a fan of doggy style?
Chicken, Beef, Pork, Fish/Seafood.. What am I missing from my diet? Reptile?
Didn't Marge have an affair with her workout trainer? If that's true we know for a fact she works out. Boob looks like if she works out at all, it's purely cardio
The oldest Mayan ruins are from 1000-800BC That's what..~3000 years? Not bad.. Will this glass be as resistant to the elements as carved rocks?