Hear ye, hear ye!

Tales From the Tables is back with episode 48: Homecoming, part 2.

Our intrepid adventurers enjoy some much needed downtime at the Hawthorne house in Waterdeep. Although our weary paladin can finally rest in the cozy warmth of her own home... she has trouble getting sleep, reminiscing simpler times bygone...

Whew... this one took a LOT of work, with a masochistic amount of city and interior perspectives. As for that view of Waterdeep... Yes, I'm THAT obsessive about getting it right, haha.

As always, should you wish to catch up on any episodes you might have missed, you can find it all on Tapas and Webtoon as well as other platforms should you wish to see delicious UHD art :)

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 8 points 1 month ago

OMG that would be SO APPRECIATED. It's been a struggle lately... ๐Ÿ˜ญ

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 8 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

As a little bit of a curious side-note, this is the creative process behind key location backgrounds. Making sure everything is exactly how we'd see it if we stood there, in-universe, true to Ed Greenwood's wonderful world... that really brings the scenes to life in my mind...

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

๐•ณ๐–Š๐–†๐–— ๐–ž๐–Š, ๐–๐–Š๐–†๐–— ๐–ž๐–Š! Tales From the Tables is back with episode 47: Homecoming, part 1! Our intrepid misadventurers finally make their way back home to Waterdeep. Whew... should you wish a refresher on the whole series, you can always find it here ๐Ÿ˜Š

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 18 points 2 months ago

Since as long as I can remember. I've been doodling some on the margins back in middle school :D Had the first one formally published in print in 2003 or so...


Tales From the Tables is back with episode 46: A Thrice Blessed Return.

With Angela back among the living thanks to another party's cleric Torxina, and the priceless diamond crafted by Rozanna's missing mother, our intrepid adventurers get to have an emotional heart-to-heart.

If you've missed an episode, you can always find the rest at Tapas or Webtoon... or just take your pick here :)


Hear ye, hear ye! Tales From the Tables is back with episode 45: You Must Live On!

Angela learns an important spell from Aribeth before finally making it back among the living.

Whew... sorry I'm late, I was aiming for yesterday... But between being sick, and a huge 1600km (each way) trip to hang out with the ForeverDM and our D&D clique for Thanksgiving, I've only managed to wrap it a day late.

Hope y'all are enjoying the story so far! There's SO MUCH more ahead.

As for what it is that Aribeth taught Angie, it's a flavored, Angie specific version of this ForeverDM spell. :)

Should you wish to find the rest, it's all here :)


Tales From the Tables is back with episode 44: Steel, Blood and Fire!

Angela has an unexpected meeting in the Fugue Plane. And the more seasoned D&D games among us will recognize a familiar face.

Apologies to James Ohlen, but this was too funny of a spin not to take :)

As always, you can find the whole story on Tapas or Webtoon. And please consider supporting us... it means more than I can express.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

Tales From the Tables episode 43: Veil of Memories, part 2!

Angela re-lives some of her childhood memories...

Whew, FINALLY finished this episode! Another looooong 4-pager. I hope you can forgive me that we'll be doing 11 episodes this year rather than the full 12... Note how much longer they are! There's just so much story I want to convey, and so much more ahead of us Featuring a lovely design for Morena Dekarios by Necromoss. It's exactly how I imagined her... and I feel we D&D artists should mutually "canonize" our works if possible, soooo... here we are! :D

And if you're new to the story, you can always find the rest under these links, take your pick!


Tales From the Tables ep. 42: Veil of Memories

Angela catches a glimpse beyond the veil of memories while her fate hangs by a thread.

So sorry this episode was so late! Lots of work on brand new, detailed backgrounds, plus the annual summer visit with my elderly parents back across the ocean... ;_;

Anyway, hope it was worth the wait! Lots of answers! And perhaps even more new questions, as the plot thickens some more!

If you're curious about more of Angela's backstory, TheForeverDM has a neat video about it :)

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 8 points 8 months ago

Haha, I learned from my DM :D


Hear ye, hear ye! Tales From the Tables is back with episode 41, and the 5th and final part of the Devil's Due arc. And boy, was it difficult to draw this one. Not in technical terms, of course... but mostly in emotional ones. Things may seem dark., but please keep in mind it always seems darkest before dawn. Have faith, everyone.

Also, there's some really big reveals coming soon, in the next few episodes :)


Hear ye, hear ye! Tales From the Tables is back with episode 40: **Devil's Due, part 4! ** Our intrepid misadventurers face off against the devil Alexander and his numerous summoned minions... will they prevail? ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 8 points 11 months ago

No worries! Hope you enjoy the story, should you choose to give it a chance :)

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 18 points 11 months ago

A comic which was literally born on r/DnDMemes (before it was ruined) 3+ years ago. Many episodes early on are single-shot jokes that function well as memes. We took a turn towards serious long-form stories, and keep sharing there due to popular demand. And here, because migrating redditors specifically asked me to.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network to c/rpgmemes@ttrpg.network

Hear ye, hear ye!

Tales From the Tables is back with episode #39!

Our intrepid misadventurers commence the long awaited showdown with the devil Alexander. Roll for initiative!

Whew... barely managed to finish it for my self-imposed deadline... but I really hope y'all enjoy the unfolding story. It's quite the tonal shift from when we began 3+ years ago but hey, isn't that just how D&D campaigns play out? :D

BTW, should you be a new reader, you can always find the rest on Tapas or Webtoon. Links here :)


Hear ye, hear ye!

Tales From the Tables is back with episode 38, Devil's Due, part 2! Because the devil, they say, is in the details...

It's the longest episode I've made yet! 4 pages! While it's not something I can pull off every month, it's my dream to one day retire from my day job and draw full-time, and deliver longer, more ambitious tales like this every month! One can dream.

You can always find the rest on Webtoon and Tapas.

Please consider supporting us on Patreon, and bring us one step closer to Tales From the Tables going full time!


Our intrepid adventurers encounter a mysterious stranger in need of assistance. Nothing suspicious here, I assure you.

As always, you can find the rest of the story on either Tapas or Webtoon. If you could spare a coin, please support us on Patreon - it helps immensely and helps us towards our dream of drawing this tale full time, bigger, better and more often!

So sorry it took me so long to finish this one... I've been very sick for the past two weeks, along with Nala and our little Bean :(

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 5 points 1 year ago

I hope you enjoy the rest of it :)

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 5 points 1 year ago

Nope, the Hidden Step ability can be used multiple times (equal to the proficiency bonus), activated at the start of each round. With a bit of clever planning of his moves, he can totally pull this off. The description from Volo's is obsolete, superseded by an updated one in Mordenkainen Presents.

Besides, we all know Volo's a bulshitter and gets things wrong :D

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 6 points 2 years ago

I certainly don't intend to stop. It's just that for whatever bloody reason all the social platforms keep suiciding from under my feet XD

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 5 points 2 years ago

Well, if social media collapse you can always just find my stuff on Tapas and Webtoon :D

[-] DoodlePoodle@ttrpg.network 4 points 2 years ago

It's a bloody shame such a prolific community pretty much suicided :(

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