Huh, that’s an interesting chunk of glass for sure! Definitely doesn’t look like part of an insulator, so at least that’s one thing ruled out?
Why is the person on the left of the picture colored blue lmao
Interesting… I went to an Austrian bank and now I’m suddenly seeing double!
Great… now can they finally fix Siri starting timers instead of alarms for anything under an hour? It’s driving me crazy still!
Yeah, it’s certainly a good thing it doesn’t hail in the outback lmao
Somewhere between 746 and nineteen quintillion. Hope that helps.
Oof… that front grille though
Username checks out?
Omg snap circuits were the BEST. Helped me learn so much as a kid
Love that color!
Hmm, well that’s good to hear, about the whole Tailscale thing. I was a bit confused on how that’s actually interacting with the internet. I suppose that even though I can access the stuff from anywhere, I do need the account to actually do so.
To your point about SSH keys - could you elaborate a bit more? I am familiar with SSH in that it exists, but past that, the whole key thing is a bit of a black box (which is part of this whole thing… to learn more about it!)
Great idea - thank you!