Yeah there needs to be an effort to look for the problems, unfortunately the guy making fun of games because they suck and calling people "LGTVs" and making fun of queer people for "being woke" isn't a prime example of that, it's a prime example of someone pointing out that games are bad and sneaking in his hate of LGBTQ people into the videos.
We need to have an effort to critique and point out the real problems in why games are bad and AAA companies are making bad games, while also pointing out bad, biased, and hateful criticism that pushes a bigoted agenda.
They know that people not caring or being aware of them isn't going to cut it, people who are aware of it and its impacts don't want it. And since it is publicly disclosed that it's there in the game, and there are lists and curators to make that more apparent, not knowing isn't likely to be something to last for long.
So it's only natural they'd want to try and improve their image, though this little stunt definitely did not help them.