I need the reddit bot to try it online.
Sorry dude, you have to bid and I'm playing $$$
I would say "Who created you? If you have any power on me, please consider me as an equal and I would try to do the same if we ever change positions".
PS5 Client. Deal maker in my case.
Ask your mom for a hug asap.
(about the question, idk, sorry)
Yeah but groups are never private, even with encryption.
Quick answer: no, it's based on tor which is based on firefox
100% They attack so many fronts in the worst way possible.
And I guess they won't put any recaptcha so, there's that...
This is a fight you need to have. I know is an inconvenience but small steps like buy a domain and start using with new services or people is a way to start
joined 1 year ago
Wow, people downvoting this. Please have some humor.