[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 4 points 58 minutes ago

He wasn't even that. He was literally chosen to call the Republicans bluff when they said that Obama would never nominate someone like him even. Then Obama did.

It just turns out that it wasn't a bluff. And the racists never had any intention of ever being sensible or normal. But I think that was pretty much obvious to anyone with a couple of brain cells.

Garland however, was never a leftist. He wasn't even ever "progressive". Let alone a Democrat. He was always a false neutrality, status quo droid. Plus, regardless of who was put in office. Republicans were always going to claim any consequences for their behavior was revenge. Even if it was revenge though. Why should we be concerned. Sometimes revenge and justice are the same thing. And justice shouldn't be denied. Perhaps Republicans should stop giving people grounds for wanting revenge?

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 0 points 4 hours ago

I think it's far more telling that you think this is something race-based. Let me tell you as part of a group that certifiably was actively and passively genocided by the US government. My grandmother even went to the notorious Indian schools. You know the ones where you often see stories of mass graves being found out back of today.

Now maybe it's a personal failing in myself to not see the nobility of your position. Willingly sacrificing lives of people like my family and even myself. With no real chance of receiving anything in return. But someone's going to have to adequately explain that before I'll see it that way.

I'm going to stick to empowering voices like to talib, omar, and Sanders. Not trying to attack and reduce their power like you do. All as some sort of pyrrhic virtue signaling ritual.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 14 points 2 days ago

Seeing as Stein has no credibility herself it all evens out.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago

A cromulent lexical affixation.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 13 points 3 days ago

Hey I'm not the one calling names and failing to address what was said. Perhaps you should look in the mirror. But please do explain how I'm being naive and childish by seeing what leninist governments have done. How Russia massacred the ethnic polish. How China through abject incompetence and hubris killed tens of millions of their own. Ethnically cleansing/genocidiing uighers. Creating a brutal police state that undermines any of the good they accomplished. How they are as bad as capitalist countries on most meaningful measures. And worse on several too.

I'll say it again. It's great China is allowing those that don't question the party to retire at that age for now. They should afford it to all their citizens as a guarantee. Regardless of their stance on the brutal insecure party. And not have it slide as their economy slides.

Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely whether you're a capitalists or a Leninist. Wake up.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

Because it was an evolving situation in real life. And the virus doesn't require my belief. It was deadly even without me believing in it. The fact that you believe that belief has anything to do with it just shows how far off base you are.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

She's irrelevant. The only thing to discuss is why she keeps trying to divide the left and not actually accomplish anything.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 15 points 3 days ago

Still not worth the loss of freedom.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 9 points 3 days ago

Unlike capitalists countries, corruption is proudly displayed and encouraged. The fact that a few bougie billionaires were crushed and kidnapped for crossing the party. Not corruption. Billionaires themselves are a corruption inherently. That you believe bourgeo-xi unquestioningly and the party unquestioningly is extremely sad.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 8 points 3 days ago

Flat Earth has not been shown to be an infectious disease. Believing Flat Earth generally does not endanger anyone's life unless you are working for a space agency or NASA? There was that one flat earther that got himself killed trying to launch himself in the air to prove the Earth was flat.

It's pseudoscience not just because there were unverified claims. But because they in a Freudian slip call it an ideology and not a science proving that they are not being scientific about anything. But rather ideological. Therefore not actual science. They were disproven on many things like masking etc. But no matter how many times it gets posted or linked. Certain types of people ignore or just refuse to believe.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 23 points 3 days ago

It's not reactionary to be against authoritarians though. Whether they are bougie capitalist or bougie leninists/maoists. There are countries that better take care of their retirees. And are not socially repressive authoritarian regimes. It's genuinely great that China offers that to the people they don't imprison for asking for their rights and speaking out against the state. But I'm not sure living in a comfortable open air prison would be everyone's idea of an ideal retirement.

I'm going to save my praise for the countries that do both.

[-] Eldritch@lemmy.world 25 points 4 days ago

Wow statistically supporting Trump is a very bold move. Considering that he wants to ban them and Deport them at best.

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