I could be wrong since I wasn't there...but I have a stinking suspicion that the majority of successful leftist movements in history didn't happen on account of a highly literate populace who all individually read karl marx and decided they needed to do a revolution at the same time.
Quite plausibly (by complete accident, but nevertheless) the single most moral thing Trump has ever done in his life was dodge the fucking draft.
I don't want to give us too much credit cause we definitely do suck but: I do think its worth remembering that polls show a significant majority of Americans support a permanent ceasefire. This is just another example of democracy being a dog and pony show while the empire carries on doing whatever the hell it wants.
My S.O. posited this question to me and I choose the bear also and am surprised people here are pushing back against it.
Granted: if I'm lost in the woods I might have a different answer but assuming I know where I am and I stumble on a bear it's incredibly statistically likely the bear is just minding its own business and isn't gonna get involved in my business and I can probably scare it off if it starts to approach me easily enough.
If I encounter a strange person I'm immediately wondering what their reasons for being there even are. Sure: they might be the same as mine....but maybe they aren't. Impossible to say for sure. The bear is a known quantity. It's supposed to be there. I and the other person in the woods, generally speaking, aren't.
Wait, I thought we were constitutionally entitled to speak at college campuses and cancel culture was against our core western values. Lawl.
That'll do Rolling Stone! That'll do!!!
Wish I could admit to something cooler but I was watching Harry Potter with kiddo (I've really tried...he's into it though through my ex tho).
I can happily say however that we paused the movie and proceeded to dance around the house at the joyous good news. He's recording it in his diary now!
Called it!!!!!!
When the communist revolution happens not only will Halloween remain as an informal Holiday: All saint day will become an official federal holiday to ensure there is no work or school the day after!
I wonder if she'll finally step down now.
However this all concludes whether it be: the worst case, best case, or mixed case scenario I honestly have to wonder out loud how anyone is expected to take phrases like "rules base international order" and "human rights" seriously ever again going forward?
Like I'm not naive and I know it was always bullshit and the rules have always been whatever we say they are but like...is this really gonna just be a case where everything is memory holled and everyone just tried to act like it wasn't all exposed as a fucking sham for everyone to see?
I'm struggling to be cynical enough to believe it will play out like that...so I worry I am naive.