That's a longer campaign than any competitive multiplayer and lots of RPG games out there.
One can? Lightweight.
Pretty sure adding a couple hundred pounds of armor would snap its suspension.
BuT tHe FrEe mArKeT
Enough that your abdomen would likely explode from the pressure. Which would make some percentage of your body fly, technically.
In a battle against the honorless you are a warrior of great wisdom.
I wonder how badly Jorken Dapenis Couchfucker would do as president if the job aged the orange idiot into his grave.
"Just use a rake."
-Trump, allegedly
GTA 6 Devs: look at our amazing story and open world!
YouTubers: I'ma drive an alligator up off this ramp, skip off the tallest building, and then land on a blimp!
Sounds like a lightweight.
Dear developers: stop changing the goddamn UI.
joined 3 months ago
It's not gonna work. If these art AI thieves don't care that they're stealing then why would they care what the artists do or say?