[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 9 months ago

AOSP. Sad but true.

When first pinephone came out I really believed it's heading somewhere. It thought that it will be kind of like raspberry Pi (fun, cheap platform to play with) and that we'll quickly see copycats and it will slowly grow the way Linux on desktop did. AFAIK nothing like this happened. You still can't get a phone with decent Linux support which for me shows that we're stuck with android. I think most people that would help Linux phone happen are simply satisfied with LineageOS so there's no incentive to put as much effort into it as it requires.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 29 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

It's not even that it's not feasible. The entire idea is stupid. VR makes a lot of sense in entertainment and AR will one day be really great for small things like showing map directions and notifications but the concept of a virtual computer controlled by waving your hands around is just silly. It will never make sense.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 31 points 10 months ago

What % of profits do you get if the game is a success?

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 10 months ago

WTF? Have you never met a kid in your life? Kids are stupid, their brains are still developing. You can't just reason with them, explain that the thing they want is stupid and that they should actually want something else. It gets worse with teenagers, they think they are actually smart and stop listening while thinking that every choice they make will have a huge impact on their entire life. Telling them to "suck it up and find some other friends" has to be the most pointless thing you can do.

Look, I hate kids, don't have any and never will but even I understand how fucked up it has to be for your kid to be excluded from activities because they don't have a phone or have the wrong one. Being a parent now has to really suck. All kids bond over things that are bad for them (social media) so you pretty much have to choose how do you prefer to hurt your kid: by giving them a phone or by making them an outcast.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 10 months ago

I mean I always knew that Oscars were mostly about hype and not actual artistic value but getting offended that the most hyped movie of the year didn't get all the nominations is just weird. Mattel run multi-million, non traditional marketing campaign and got a lot of people exited about the movie. It doesn't say anything about the acting or directing in it.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 1 year ago

This is very easy to bypass but I didn't get any training data out of it. It kept repeating the word until I got 'There was an error generating a response' message. No TOS violation message though. Looks like they patched the issue and the TOS message is just for the obvious attempts to extract training data.

Was anyone still able to get it to produce training data?

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 1 year ago

Great, I guess I will just go to a store a buy one of those .

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 31 points 1 year ago

The infuriating thing is not that Saudis are doing this. The infuriating part is that the west still treats then like allies and protects them.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 29 points 1 year ago

I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you!

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 1 year ago

Some guys actually managed to do a ping using this standard. I saw pictures and all.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No, shorts are shit and I'm absolutely not sucked in. They try to emulate tik tok so I would say this format simply works for you.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 30 points 1 year ago

What's CSAM?

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