[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)
  1. Invent a new name for an undesirable condition
  2. People start using this name as an insult
  3. Get offended that an insult is used to refer to people with said condition
  4. Go back to 1
[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 11 months ago

Yes but we all know what the issues with Tesla are.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 11 months ago

All grocery stores where I live have this device consisting of swivelling plank separating the packing area into two. If someone is slow at bagging the clerk will simply move the plank and all groceries go into the second half where the second person can bag them. It gives the first person time to bag and the next customer again has their groceries place in the first half.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 1 year ago

He wishes there was such an easy fix for two planes flying into skyscrapers.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 1 year ago

Jesus, why can't people just expose their drives to cosmic radiation and have it switch the bits in the file? So much time wasted writing useless editors.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 1 year ago

I don't think any of this matters. It's the customers that are not happy. Raise the prices of food to include the extra costs. Waiters in nice restaurants would obviously make more than minimum wage. Waiter in not so nice places probably as well. If waiters make more money because they're avoiding taxes then that ends, sorry. I don't think any one will argue that the only way to have restaurants is to let waiters avoid taxes.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 1 year ago

Yeah, suing google makes as much sense as suing the car maker for not making the car fly.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 1 year ago

I think they comparing browsers with default configuration. I'm sure Firefox with some addons and extra features enabled passes more tests.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 1 year ago

There are tons of clipboard managers for Linux. I used clipit and copyq but there are more.

Funny story: some desktop support guy came to do something on my laptop. He opened some remote file, copied admins password, pasted it into login prompt, did his things, selected some random texts and pressed ctrl+c couple of times. I asked him if that was to clear the password and he says that yes. I'm like... look here, and I clicked in my clipboard manager icon and the password is there in the history. LoL.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 1 year ago

I kind of suspected it's better not to google it at work.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 21 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Can we please stop this nonsense already? With Linux on desktop we had two goals:

  • hardware support
  • software support

We achieved both goals. Since probably 20 years ago I've been using Linux exclusively both at work and at home. All my hardware works, all my software works. Why would I care if Linux gets to 20%, 80% or 100% market share? At this point if some companies or game developers don't support Linux it's their loss, I will find an alternative. And if some users is still using Windows it's also their loss. I feel sorry for them but I stopped encouraging people to use Linux years ago. We're good, our feature is secured, we don't need to push for more users anymore.

[-] ExLisper@linux.community 22 points 1 year ago

It's actually pretty big problem in Spain. I have to keep blocking spam numbers. I think it's the same in Poland. EU is not regulating this, it's up to individual governments and some are not handling it well.

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