[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 119 points 3 months ago

I would say that FOSS typically draws a more educated crowd, and right wing rhetoric and propaganda typically target those of lesser education and lower cognitive ability, simply because those people are the most likely hosts for rightoid brain worms. Why do colleges skew heavily left, gee it must be brainwashing /s

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 55 points 4 months ago

Do we want them all to know? There were a lot of shit heads on Reddit when I was there.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 92 points 5 months ago

This means we need to keep being the best community we can be. Welcoming, helpful, and distro agnostic. I might occasionally Stan for the distros I love, or talk a little smack about ones that left a bad taste in my mouth, but when we’re helping new users, we need to meet them where they’re at, and give them the little boost they need to stick with it.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 57 points 6 months ago

So, during a state of lukewarm war, hotter than cold but not quite hot, America should just let a Jewish community get massacred by ISIS because it would leave egg on the face of our rival?

The world is pretty fucked up right now, I’m sorry for what it’s turned you into. Hard to keep your humanity when so few seem to care about having any.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 40 points 6 months ago

My suggestion to you, is please oh please replace Manjaro with EndeavourOS. It does everything Manjaro does but better. The learning curve will still be the same.

pacman: EndeavourOS has yay installed by default, which is an AUR helper. It interacts with pacman and builds your packages for you. yay -S steam for instance calls up pacman and builds the steam package from the repo and takes some of the head scratching out of it. Very easy to use. A simple “yay” to update, no sudo needed, yay will ask for a sudo password when it needs it.

Shell selection: bash is fine, and bash is enabled by default in EndeavourOS.

But the real reason to use EndeavourOS, aside from having an arch based rolling release distro, is its community and support. An amazing forum, tons of documentation between EOS and arch itself, and fantastic wiki that guides you through various tools and utilities you may want to use.

It is a terminal centric distro, but you can easily install GUI tools for things you don’t want to do in the CLI.

I would even be down to correspond and help you out if need be. Manjaro looks cool when you’re in those early stages of outgrowing Ubuntu, but it’s not the distro you’re looking for, I promise.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 46 points 7 months ago

I find it odd that no one has mentioned the possibility that he could have been a black market dealer. Suppressors, short barreled rifles, and fully automatic machine guns, are all purchasable in the US if you can file the right paperwork and be approved for those purchases by the BATF, under the National Firearms Act (NFA). This approval process includes the ATF having you on speed dial to show up and make sure you still safely possess said items, and aren’t flipping them on the street for a massive mark up.

While an NFA regulated suppressor might run you $1200 after taxes and fees, a suppressor on the streets without the paper trail might go for closer to 3-5k. Actual transferrable machine guns, due to their extreme rarity in the US, command prices from $10,000 to $60,000 dollars through existing legal channels, and again, could be sold at a massive markup without the baggage of a paper trail. Even firearms legal to own without NFA restrictions would command a sizable markup when sold off the books. And this is how gangs have armed themselves for decades, through dealers just like this.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 68 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I’m as pro privacy and anti advertising as it gets, and your post is bad. You have a Smart Stack card on screen that is showing you articles from the news app, and another showing you App Store recommendations. it’s not an advertisement, iOS does not spam ads, just remove the Smart Stack, or remove the news app and AppStore from its feed.

Edited for clarity

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 105 points 9 months ago

My sibling in Christ, just relax and be yourself. You’ll pick up the accent more and more over time, that’s how it works. Forcing it is disingenuous. Imagine if my goofy midwestern ass moved to the UK and started to try to speak with Brits forcing their accent.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 42 points 10 months ago

If the protestors who drew their weapons made this guy take the room temperature challenge instead of showing restraint, they would have likely been justified in the eyes of the law, and rightly so. When someone brandishes a weapon from a vehicle, or under the partial cover of a vehicle, it’s not on the defender to check and make sure it’s a real gun. Pulling gun shaped toys in public is a really bad idea and should have fatal consequences.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 133 points 1 year ago

I used to run in a party crowd that had a LOT of burning man folks in it. There were a couple of them that had middle class incomes, maybe even leaning upper middle class. Those are usually the ones that had an art car or whatever that they sank some money into, instead of the crap that most upper middle class Americans blow their money on.

But the rest of them? They worked at restaurants, did massage therapy, teachers, etc. normal people with median or lower incomes that would forego other expenses to set aside a little a money for their annual get high in the desert trip.

Yes, there’s a bunch of elitists at the core of the event, but it’s not the majority.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

I wonder how long until we start hearing about them “falling” out of windows.

[-] Fecundpossum@lemmy.world 69 points 1 year ago

Ooo ooo I’ve got one.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits. It’s like a Pixar souls like adventure game. Lots of foresty magic, very beautiful, and challenging enough to give you a run for your money while she laughs at your many failures.

It’s a good game.


I installed on release day and have been fiddling ever since. I’ve tried both the native package and flatpak. Usually on a new install I can get it to launch once, and any subsequent launch opens the “verifying steam” dialog for a split second before it vanishes. Clicking steam after that does nothing.

Anyone else experience this? Any fixes? I’m sick of being disappointed by other distros, and I’d rather not switch back to nobara or pop.

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