Yeah seems like people always forget about transmascs for some reason.

I find it amazing that not only was the original comment not removed but that this person wasn't banned from for it.

They're not trying to say its "turning people trans" they're saying it's disrespectful and toxic to try and break other people's eggs. People need to discover themselves at their own pace, they know who they are best and what they want for themselves. People don't have the right to try and decide a person's gender for someone else, that's wrong.

One time a truscum told me "I can't me Transphobic, I'm trans, you're stupid" she was incorrect, and she was one of the biggest transphobes I ever met (she insulted many trans women claiming they "sound like men" and that they "weren't even trying" what an absolute asshole she was SMH.

I think this person has been on way too many drugs (ones much harder than weed).

This is disgusting...

Pretty bold assumption that they're buying the skirt to masturbate.

Me too, both because I'm AroAce and because I look very child-like for my age (okay that's an understatement, people ask me where my parents are when I go to the store) I don't think I need to elaborate why someone finding that attractive is at the very least a little bit disturbing.

It's not working, they're just making it worse.

I mean I'm Aroace so I can do without kissing, it would feel weird (also kinda gross).

Poor frog... 😢

I don't care what anyone says I still think this style is cool and I'm 27 years old. Maybe it's an Enby/Agender thing though, I don't know.

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