They know what they fed the thing. Not backing up their own training data would be insane. They are not insane, just thieves
While you are correct in your point it is still giving to much ground to his argument.
Even if it is unnatural, who cares. Consent makes humanity happier and more stable on all fronts. If it isn't natural it is a social technology and we use those to improve our lives every day.
Then she gets to meet the slave race they keep in the basement and said slaves explain that their enslavement is a fundamental part of magic society and the only reason Dobby in particular had to be freed was because his owners were a bit too mean to him. The message becomes "slavery is fine as long as slaves are treated well.". Then they drop that particular can of worms because addressing it would require societal change. It is one of few endeavours where the heroes of the story just fail to do what they want.
Yeah, it's Harry Potter. Social change is the enemy in the book. At no point does anyone try to improve anything in the book. They don't even oppose evil that much. They just oppose it when the existing evil tries to go too far by the current standards of evil.
They all sold out and they are all packed in one dudes garage. The actual sale of them will take place over the next year over a series of ebay auction, as is tradition for limited edition things.
Am I missing something? Microsoft literally won't let me upgrade because my fully functional processor is deemed to old for them. Of coarse the adoption rate is low if they start by excluding a good portion of their user base.
Even religious groups hate organized religion. They just make an exception for the one they happen to be part of.
So, do they have any proof that Joe Biden has done anything or are they just pretending that Joe and Hunter are the same person?
Reddit is getting into money laundering I see.
They should have given it to Conan when they had the chance but they keep insisting on giving it to soulless narcissists like Leno and Fallon.
Just removing subsidies on corn would solve the core problem. There are lots of things corn is used for that shouldn't be corn that also get fixed by that.
I'm not sure we need to hold him responsible for shit he said in the 70s when he raped a child in the early 2000 and lead and insurrection this less than 4 years ago. There is plenty of new things to use against him.