[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 9 points 2 weeks ago

Been following him on Masto for a while now; he seems like a good dude, and often has interesting Trek trivia or observations. 👍

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 3 points 1 month ago

The music seemed to suggest she was some big character reveal, but instead I think they were just excited that they got Curtis to film something from her bathroom via Cameo for $50 so they could have her in the movie.

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 7 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Despite my negative reaction to the trailer, and hearing all the early spoiler-free reviews validating that reaction, I went into it hoping for a guilty pleasure of some kind, where I can go "yeah that wasn't great, but I kinda liked it".

Not so much. (I wrote up a full thing over here. Spoiler: it's a 1 out of 5 for me.)

But here's some positives, since this group contains perhaps the most generous comments I've ever seen about it so far, and I don't want to spoil that vibe:

  • I think the cast was decent; the guy playing Quasi especially stood out to me. Liked their casting for Rachel Garrett, and the bit of personality they gave her; it doesn't stomp on her TNG appearance, just adds to it. And she kinda looks like her if you squint.

  • The core concept is fine, and with a huge overhaul they could have had something here. Yet by the end of this thing, I could almost see this going forward with more episodes. Few shows hit the ground running before finding the right balance. Unfortunately this will never get that chance.

  • The sets and VFX are quite good for a streaming series at times.

  • The angry face on the Deltan before she left was amazing? (I'm really struggling here.)

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 8 points 1 month ago

Admittedly I'm skeptical of it, but finding out Robert Picardo is involved makes my ears perk up.

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 1 points 2 months ago

Holy shit, I don't remember that at all. :O

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 3 points 2 months ago

Honestly, for me, the finale covered it enough. It's obvious they like each other. I don't think it needs to be directly confirmed in dialogue for it to be legit. :)

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 2 points 3 months ago

Curiosity rising. Just a little. But it's something. ;)

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 2 points 4 months ago

That works, too. (And probably closer to what I was thinking, honestly.)

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 7 points 4 months ago

There's room for it, under the right conditions, but... this feels completely wrong in almost every direction. Section 31, as a collective group, should not feel like a bad rip off of Guardians of the Galaxy. Absolutely the wrong tone.

I will give it a fair shot, however, since it won't cost me anything but my time. :P

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 6 points 4 months ago

I really, really, really hope this ends up being like Lower Decks where I was very skeptical of it going in, but ended up loving it.

Because everything about this is actively repelling me.

[-] Fortyseven@startrek.website 1 points 5 months ago

"Dr. Vance... are you wearing makeup...?" (Oops, wrong movie.)

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