or: cp my.iso /dev/sdaX
(much faster than dd)
It's bad design and therfore a wrong standard. Also, it's a security desaster.
the *nix system up to the shell enviroment needs to be clean, libre and true to the vision - everything beyond may be. .. whatever...
I think the init system matters A LOT! Systemd is anti-unix-style and making it a "new default" and forcing it, by depending on it, is breaking the best os-design there is: the unix-like system. (who changes it will be forced to reinvent it...better stay close to the original vision in the first place)
nevermind, parabola is a great distro (with openrc version), but hyperbola will not draw dev-power from pb, because it will be a completly own breed. Yes the existing BSD's are great, but none of them are fsf conform.
The effort of the hb-bsd will produce OSS that can synergize with all the projects you named.
some more tips:
· use bash key bindings and bind them to smt. like:
vim $(find ~/my-project | fzf)
· dmenu with a wrapper that sources an alias-file