There's quite a huge domino effect in the food chain if we would cause mass extinction to mosquitoes as they are the food for many species of birds which are then food for the next thing and so on.
So my TLDR, is that its possible to be a USER without touching the terminal, but I dont think its possible to be an administrator without.
Suse with Yast makes it possible to administer just with GUI. Not 100% sure if it can do absolutely everything possible but it has lots of tools.
This research isn't peer reviewed so I wouldn't take it at face value just yet.
Another company wants to skip liability.
Depends on the alternative. E.g. Fedora and OpenSuse have very active communities and lots of help available.
It's about data harvesting and selling not safety or any other mentioned.
In two of my previous jobs (I'm a software engineer) I could officially install any Linux distro to the company laptop (which I did of course) fully replacing the wintoys. Could use the machine as I liked, no corporate mandated BS spyware or anything. On of the provides a SaaS product and used Linux server/virtual machines. Otherwise it was mostly MS bits + sprinkle a little Atlanssian horrors to it.
Unfortunately in my current job I'm limited a VirtualBox Linux running a corporate restricted wintoys machine in a MS environment. A long for the days when I was more productive with my Linux installation.
It's just sad and funny how corporate world is that MS products it has to be (because reasons).
Not getting updates doesn't make any app inherently bad. Possible bugs just won't get fixed. If an app is feature complete and everything works as they should there's no need to update it.
Are these available on f-droid already?
SUSE Linux Enterprise isn't really a fork. OpenSuse Leap is to SLE a bit like Fedora is to Red Hat i.e. the community version which is then frozen at some point to build SLE.