If it's a matroska (mkv) file you can use mktoolnix (use the header editor) to set default tracks.
Just use some other search engine. No tricks needed to get non ai bs results.
It doesn't auto update and you don't need to login. You can enter your key directly.
They also offer their software for free for open source projects.
Sudo is “su do”, i.e. “run as root”
It may default to root but it doesn't mean run as root. Su means substitute user identity i.e. any other user (if you have the rights to it).
For now. I'm quite sure that option will disappear at some point in the not too distant future.
Files in /run will be (re)created (and removed) at runtime if/when needed by programs that need them. They pose no problems and don't persist between reboots.
Sounds like the drive is FAT32 formatted. Max file size then is 4GiB. Compress it with bzip2 or 7zip or try the @bartolomeo's solution.
My guess would be it's looking for the removed swap partition. Comment out or remove the entry for swap from /etc/fstab.
It looks something like this:
UUID=b27bc530-5a8f-4160-8814-95679e0f4987 swap swap defaults 0 0
Any message sent in any platform can be read by the admins of that service unless the service has implemented encryption in a way that the message can only be viewed by the sender and recipient.
Containers don't emulate anything. They have an OS installed within them. Typically you use Alpine Linux which super minimalistic and lightweight.