[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 3 points 2 months ago

Ventoy might be able to do the same.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 2 months ago

No google on device no tracking, and I don't use google services anyhow (with first party clients anyhow). I do have google play services installed but no google account so they don't have an identity to connect the data they might be able to collect from the phone. Only google service I use is youtube but that's with third party clients only (FreeTube & NewPipe) over vpn of course.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 3 months ago

Can’t they be both? Potato potahto.

It will destroy the Universe if we do that. /s

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 3 months ago
[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 3 months ago

For phone and contacts check the Fossify phone and Fossify contact. Also all the other Fossify apps.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 5 months ago

It is against the GDPR.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 3 points 6 months ago

Filen is good. Works like a charm. Back in the days I got their pay once for 100GB of storage package and am very happy about it. Looks like they have the starter 100GB lifetime available still i.e. pay only once.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 3 points 6 months ago

Valve releasing Proton.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 7 months ago

You won’t get rid of google tracking you on Youtube or Gmail,

For gmail that's true (one should use something else anyhow). For youtube you can use an alternative frontend like NewPipe to avoid tracking.

If you care about privacy you should use a trustworthy paid email. They even aren't that expensive. You can get them as low as 1 € / month.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 7 months ago

You can basically disable most Google tracking though a good DNS that blocks that traffic.

So only most but not all. Therefore it's not private if there's any tracking. Thus a de-googled version is the only option.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 3 points 1 year ago

Like the system is not made for working and barely support it for actual computer work.

Have noticed the same.

One example why windows is bad for a developer. Lets say you work with node.js Eventually you'll end up with node_modules directory in you project with tens of thousands of files and thousands of directories. If you delete that directory in windows it takes minutes. In Linux it's instantaneous.

[-] FrostyPolicy@suppo.fi 2 points 1 year ago
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