100%, that's always been the case since the printing press was invented, but at some point you need to know that hate speech isn't free speech
Who you calling buoyant?
I don't believe that is a legal reason for a gun licence in Australia, well at least in my state. You can get a licence to own a gun if you need it for entertainment purposes
Thanks for the tip!
What if I work in the c suite?
Do they need to split off different departments? Since most of the stuff that Google dabbles in is digital, can't they just start a few new companies with the exact same IP and split up the work force instead?
What is this??.
That would probably be in China for these guys
I know you're joking, but I think it's a Nissan stage. Thanks for making me look it up
There are sinologists
joined 11 months ago
Have you heard the saying cut off your nose to spite your face?