[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah I did that. Didn’t help then

.. fun thing though: when I contacted them this morning again… they said “hey we did release a firmware update yesterday can you try that one?” And you guessed it: that f## worked!! I was over the moon!!

Bit sour that they didn’t tell me this Friday to well test with the Beta but still.. I don’t care now! man this printer is so ff amazing. I mean! Woweeeeee! Just amazing!

Thanks for the suggestion on the mini update, I will pass it on or do it myself later this week.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Thanks. I do actually. But thanks for giving me ideas, improvements can always be made! 😃

It’s more of a “unfinished project that is out of my hands now and I don’t know when it will be done even though I could probably fix it if..” type of situation actually. I’m not good with that kind of anxiety and uncertainty.

That said: they say you’re never to old to learn ….. but ….. hmm 😊

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

Oh! Totally forgot about that one. Always hated it too!

Totally got a flashback here, when I read that awful saying - lol For me it always felt like as a “yeah well deal with it, now keep quiet” kinda saying, don’t you agree?

Anyway.. on topic: yeah I hope so too. I think the technical issue is something I can accept. As a tech person and developer that’s my life basically; thinking about this today made me realize it’s the “not being able to do anything while I know I could probably fix it” and the “ok now when exactly are they going to get back to me?” Thing that really bothers me.

The not knowing. Uncertainty. That’s it. Just like I don’t know when a bug will be fixed in my code, this is what my clients feel.

Anyway I’m getting a bit physiological here, sorry about that. 😊

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Man. I don’t know if we have something like that in Dutch but I agree: I kinda hate it too!

I’m sure it will get fixed. And indeed it will be a really nice setup, and story to tell after.

I think it’s the waiting without having any sense of time or unable to do anything that always gets to me hard. I’m kinda spoiled that way given I and my family are very handy makers.

Thanks for reading and your kind words, helps😊

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Yeah it will. Thanks 😊

And I’m sure it will make for a nice experience story to tell afterwards, but man it’s really a test of my “way to deal with extra uncertainty” on top of .. you know life.

Thanks for reading and your kind words.


Here goes.

After saving up months I was finally able to order the flagship prusa printer, the mk3. And low and behold: the waiting did pay off: I could now actually buy the newest, the MK4 !! 🎉

So I did. End of June. Got a nice rol of filament too. Couldn’t be happier. Yes the lead time was a chore but still. In august I would have a very nice upgrade from the mini.

August came: no printer. Backlog. I already sold the mini to my dad. Guess I’m going without one for a week or so, no biggie.

Shipping schedule appeared. Great! Mine was planned for 4/9. Oof. Ok… The first week of September: nope we had to push back a week! Damn 😓

And then last week:shipped!!

Spend a day building the marvelous thing. dreaming what I will be testing first. Planning. Ah great things!!

And then it came: the magic moment of doing the self test. Tension rose, green check marks appeared.. aaah 😌 victory would be mine! Boy oh boy I cannot wait!

Beeeeeeeeep. Bright red screen “loading cell error” 😱

Ok no panic, maybe the cable got loose.. happens.. sure I will get to printing soon; let’s see..

I started testing cables. Running tests. Resetting everything. Re-flashing. Damn the usb stick broke! Aaargh .. ok… Nope. Nothing works.

Onto chat support it goes. Doing the same tests. Filming them. “Hmm I need to ask our MK4 expert” after we both came to the conclusion the loveboard is probably failing (filament sensor is error too)

“We will contact you soon, next week” given it’s Friday at this point.

And now: we’re waiting again. Staring at a broken MK4. Sitting there. Tempting me to dream of my next printing project.

Support was great and all that. They will make it right I trust them. I just wanted to share my story to people who will probably exactly understand what it’s like. To wait. And wait.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)


It even has an award system that gives “meters”. Meaning if your models are very popular you could get printer for free.. or at least few spools/merch.

Edit: forgot the contest as well. Prizes are always good and on some big ones you could win a printer as well.

Thinking you might get a good change for both given you are clearly making good models, even if you cannot test them yet.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 2 points 1 year ago

FYI: Voyager has this too.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 46 points 1 year ago

Haha indeed!

It’s funny when it starts to just invent things. Like packages, with version number!, that.. do not exists..

Or when it outputs code without using the variables ..

The most annoying thing is imho that it keeps explaining everything al the time. Even when I prompt “you have a working app with vuejs..” and others it sometimes still explains how to setup the app.

That said: the tool has become a staple in my workflow whenever I need a starting point. Or have to do some math algorithmic things

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 10 points 1 year ago


As someone who uses the actual rss feeds, reading the same feed without interaction is just .. a waste of time. Clutter. Annoying even.

Like you said: I come here for the interaction and/or to find an interesting article someone found in a channel I’m unaware off. Not bot rss feed content.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 9 points 1 year ago

The memes I don’t remember but … I’m old. And..

Reading this gave me an instant flashback of dropping my old Ericsson on a train and it just .. lost all its parts! Man that was 😱

Yes I had to hunt for: the battery, the battery cover and the SIM card! In those days the latter was bigger than we have now but very expensive.

To be honest: hot swappable wasn’t all that cool or user friendly at all. You had the dropping issue, the dirt and grime got in the cracks causing it to loose contact. Just like a mouse ball back in the day. All that and .. when it was time to change it, never found a replacement and the phone was just outdated anyway.

Now all those different chargers we had? That was the real nightmare. Man! Very glad that is solved, even with the mess usb-c is.

I fear this is again one of those rules politician’s make without any knowledge; or they just ignore reality. Per usual.

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 4 points 1 year ago

Haha good one! I was wondering why that name sounded familiar and this is it.

Very good film to see.. once and never ever unsee or forget the images, isn’t it?

[-] Gompje@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

For me it’s simple: my ISP has crippled the upload to 30mbps making it impossible to host something from my home publically (download is 300mbps or more) but I do selfhost on unraid .. it’s just for stuff in my house or for my privately with vpn outside. I run a TON of apps this way.. I just don’t need them to be .. public they are just for me to use at home mostly.

That for me is also selfhosting.

Now that said: I still ask the same question to my isp when they want to upsell me something: and what about the upload? The sales persons mostly don’t know what I mean or how it matters 🤦‍♀️.. anyway I’ve been doing this for 20+ years now…… kinda lost hope? But nah not yet 😏 .. “hoop doet leven” we tell or selves over here (translates to: hope is live)

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