[-] GorGor@startrek.website 19 points 2 weeks ago

Sounds like you are too blunt. Never tell them no. Listen to their problem and just reply with a 'Id have to look into that', or an 'I can come over when I get a chance'. If they persist, have a couple projects they can help you out with and tell them 'sorry Id love to help, but Im (going to the dump / painting the kitchen / gotta do seasonal yard work / etc). If they offer to help you, then you are kinda on the hook to help them. If they dont follow through... you can subtly bring it up (still gotta move that couch). You dont have to be a dick about it. It can be fun messing with folks.

Honestly I'm tech support for some people, but I need help with some of the more advanced stuff, so I have a tech guy too.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 12 points 1 month ago

Part 1 is the first act, somewhat expanded. The additions are pretty seamless and add a bit to the story. Its been a long time since I saw the play, but there is only one part I was sure wasn't in the original

spoiler(A Cameo with Kristin Chenoweth and Idina Menzel)

If you are into the play you would probably like it. I went with my wife and daughters and they loved it. I found it enjoyable enough. As someone who isn't super into the play, it was paced well, with some good comical elements.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 33 points 1 month ago

According to Bloomberg, Johann Rupert told the conference to bear in mind that when the poor rise up, the middle classes won’t want to buy luxury goods for fear of exposing their wealth.

“How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hatred and the social warfare?” he said. “We are destroying the middle classes at this stage and it will affect us. It’s unfair. So that’s what keeps me awake at night.”

... its almost comical how he thinks of this. The first thought is his businesses wont be able to sell luxury to anyone but the ultra wealthy.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 113 points 3 months ago

I saw somewhere there exists a saying along the lines of 'start sauteing onion, add some garlic, then you figure out what you are going to cook.' When my wife and I have time to actually cook, this is basically what we do. everything is better with garlic and onions, from German to Korean. The rest is just details.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 12 points 5 months ago

for real tho... love that story. RIP Harlan.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 94 points 5 months ago

If y'all have worked with silicone oil, yea it works kinda like this (depending on viscosity).

It creeps up out of containers, it creeps up walls. It gets everywhere.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 23 points 5 months ago

Yes Also Death Dealer... both by Frank Frazetta

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 24 points 7 months ago

Naturally! Then add another clove for good luck. Plus those two cloves look small, better add another.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 13 points 8 months ago

These types of light hazing are actually trying to lower the stakes. The greybeards get to tell the stories of when they were young and dumb going on snipe hunts. we all make mistakes, developing the ability to laugh at YOURSELF is important. Its an inoculation against embarrassment. If someone is so prideful that they cant stand to ever be wrong, when the make a mistake that matters, they will try to hide it and that is when things go from bad to worse.

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 11 points 10 months ago

just watch out for the headwind

[-] GorGor@startrek.website 15 points 10 months ago

I wouldn't go that far. Heretics and Chapter-house are... not great, but they are nowhere near as bad as Kevin J Anderson's crap writing.

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