Fun probably-already-known fact: NASA accidentally destroyed a $200 million Mars orbiter from of a missed imperial->metric conversion, because NASA does generally work in metric, and some Lockheed-Martin software provided numbers in imperial (while claiming to be metric)

TIL that Unicode includes hieroglyphs lol

I fucking love how nerdy this place is

Watch him as he codes

Not to be “that guy” on top of you being “that guy,” but it’s not unheard of to completely redirect a dammed river with a chute spillway. I’m gonna pretend the spillway exits that mountain to the right of what we can see lol

'Cause the town came first. Town was built on the original river, which was later dammed for power/water reservoir for said town.

[-] 10 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Me if I were in my 20s in 1994: "Hey wait is that that spastic drummer from Nirvana? What, thinks he can pull off being a front man? Psh..."

Thanks Dave Grohl for being like, the chillest rock star ever.


Wow, actually sounds like a pretty light sentence, considering it seems like the ATF was intent on nailing him to the wall haha. Maybe just more interested in stopping the broadcast of doing stupidly dangerous shit with guns and explosives...

Base 10 time makes me irrationally angry though lol

I feel like, at their core, most religions boil down to two things, for most people:

  • Giving you purpose/security/scapegoats ("I'm living a good life so I can go to heaven," "the Lord has a plan/is watching over me," "Satan/sinners/demons tempted me")
  • Dissuading you from inquisitive, critical thought (out of self-preservation, I'd imagine)

Personally, I prefer to define my own purpose, live a more "dynamic" lifestyle than is traditional, think critically, and question authority. Doesn't make me "better" than religious folks, in fact they're probably overall happier than I am. But I can't imagine living that way, regardless of whether or not I believe in a magical sky Santa who can't decide whether he loves us unconditionally or whether or not he's actually omnipotent.

I mean, I agree that the construction is sketchy (runs the whole thing from an off-brand playstation controller? Couldn't splurge on the $800 for a real cassette toilet?), but acrylic and carbon fiber are appropriate material choices, if they were used in the appropriate thicknesses and configurations.


Any chance this will be open-source? Probably not...but for the record, I'd love to contribute! Not a ton of experience with mobile development, but I've got plenty of "screw Reddit" energy to fuel me lol.

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