This man should have been president. Fuck Hillary and the DNC.
Not a shower thought
Bottled water should be illegal for so many reasons. The water use itself, the plastic waste, the tons of microplastics consumed, and the use of so much fossil fuel to ship a very heavy item around the country when it travels freely by pipe.
Exceptions for places with contaminated water of course.
Cool. Fuck Germany.
It is. It was from people reusing passwords that were compromised.
Or that she said marriage is between a man and a woman. Just ignored that one didn't they(
I see the bear but I'm still missing the joke.
I don't think you've gotten it yet actually :)
Wow where did you dig this up from? Ancient.
Orgasm donation needs to be opt-out, not opt-in.
I appreciated both sides of this discussion.
joined 1 year ago
That's not how it works, unfortunately.