I left at 3-0 and just came back to and saw the Coventry winner go in. Offside check taking place but criminal from ETH... How do you lose a 3-0
He has his estate and benefactors to think about...
Longest tenured PM in the history of the only democracy in the middle east... Let that sink in... Your philosophical gymnastics will not save you from your refusal to see what is in plain sight.
Anyway, good day
Why don't you Google it for yourself.
For now... In months to come because of Biden screw ups, and Dem apathy, I reckon this guy will be president
No mate, what's your point? Are you seriously comparing Israel to Russia, you antisemite you...
Why you trying to ruin my day man?
How are they swarming this defence...
This is terrible...
We got rid of De Gea for this...
We don't have enough people for a daily thread. Let's have a weekly one.
If this were a one off, then I'd agree, but this happens all the time. There is something wrong in our setup.