[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

Why not start up your own fediverse instance and make it that way, then?

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

If the mods/admins failed to act on your report of sexual harassment, delete the offending comment, and ban the person as appropriate, that's the issue you should be taking up in this thread, not demanding carte blanche to silence anyone you disagree with.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

You don't need to block someone to end a conversation. Just say "you're acting in bad faith, and I'm done here", then stop replying to them. They'll most likely reply to you once or twice, and that'll be it. And if you use kbin's block function, you'll never even know.

If you're engaging with someone who is acting in bad faith for that long, you're most likely trying to convince the audience that the other person is wrong. If the fact that they're arguing in bad faith 10 hours in isn't abundantly clear to any person with half a brain reading your thread, then maybe they're not acting in bad faith and they just disagree with you on something you feel strongly about.

Also, you kind of said the quiet part loud there. "Engaging in bad faith" isn't, in and of itself, the same as harassment. I'm sure that there are individual communities on kbin where critics of particular ideas and ideologies are silenced, and if that's what you need in order for your ideas to stand, then I'd suggest staying in those communities. The general consensus here seems to be that if you're out arguing in public and someone isn't actually harassing you (even if they disagree with you in a way that you believe constitutes "bad faith"), then they should be allowed to speak. Reddit's toxic climate has just been exacerbated by their bad block feature, because now the motivation when you get into an argument is to be the first to block so that you're guaranteed to have the last word. It doesn't lead to useful discourse.

Bare minimum, if you want block to function this way, then you should have to delete any un-replied-to comments of yours in order to be able to do it so as to remove the perverse incentive to abuse the feature to "win" arguments. I'm sure you'd find that agreeable?

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

I'm guessing that when you're losing an argument, you like to post a response and then block the other person so you get the last word, then convince yourself that the other person was a "sealion" or something. Reddit's block system is primarily used that way. If you don't like how blocking works here, I recommend Reddit.

I personally came here to get away from Reddit's "features" like private downvotes and silencing people who disagree with you, because they promote exactly the kind of toxic discussion I want to avoid.

If you're being harassed, report it.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

Upvoting your own material is a Michael Scott thing to do.\

- PabloDiscobar

- Michael Scott

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

Same. I also like how they don't push comments down the page.

People are going to use it as a disagree button, let them do it publicly. If you don't want other people to know you downvoted something, it's probably because they made a good point that you don't like.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago

Matthew 7:5 -You hypocrite! First, remove the beam out of your own eye, and then you can see clearly to remove the speck out of your brother's eye.

Maybe worry about yourself first, guy who pines for the "good old days" when gay people used to get the shit beat out of them. Nobody corrupts the God's word like loud, intolerant far-right Christians.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 0 points 1 year ago

I don't want kbin to be a far-leftist echo chamber. I also don't want kbin to be a far-right echo chamber. I think it's perfectly reasonable to want to protect a community from extreme and hateful views, regardless of which side they come from, because those views tend to attract the type of horrible, toxic people such as yourself who advocate beating the shit out of people for being different in a harmless way.

Welcome to the real world, where people who are different from you exist and mind their own business. If you can't put up with people who don't affect you in any way, I don't think the rest of us owe it to you to put up with you, either. Go find a cesspit to wallow in.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 4 points 1 year ago

I wonder if that has anything to do with the popularity of subs that are about disliking things or groups of people. That kind of shit drives engagement but turns communities toxic really fast.

I use(d) RIF, which let me filter subs out of my feed and the experience has been a lot less horrid, except for when those subs leak their toxic waste into other discussions, which happens way to often.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 19 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Reddit's far left can be pretty toxic too. As an old liberal myself, I don't believe that there are any good kinds of hate or discrimination, but if you argue against that kind of crap, the absolute worst people come out to defend it. A good chunk of my negative interactions have been with those people.

That being said, the Eternal September is real. I don't know anyone in real life who actually thinks like that. The trouble is, if you have ten million users, a tenth of a percent of them could be assholes and that's still 10,000 obnoxious assholes.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

This sounds like something the fediverse should be able to solve easily. For people who don't want to be anywhere near porn, you can start a fediverse site and just not aggregate porn, and then like-minded people can go there, and nobody has to be cut off from everybody else just because of differences of opinion about porn.

[-] IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

...or completely inadequate.

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