[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 13 points 5 months ago

Stolen Valor.... LOL. What a fucking idiot.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 13 points 5 months ago

He is a racist, rapist, with dementia and 34 felonies that caused an insurrection that got people killed. He needs to fuck off into the sun. He's trash, always been trash, and now he's getting his ass kicked by his worst fucking nightmare. A woman that is black. If hell exists, I really hope he has a really special spot there for all the suffering he's caused.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

How good are they in ice and snow? Probably a bit dangerous and cold I'd think.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

Couch fucker isn't wrong. Dementia Don the racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is very much morally reprehensible.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 13 points 5 months ago

I came here to say that, and I'll add wear ear protection if you're anywhere loud. Who gives a shit if you don't look cool wearing a headset or ear plugs. You know what else isn't cool? That constant ringing in my ears because I was an idiot for years. I have to sleep with two loud fans now.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

They have two brain cells fighting for third place. That bulb is just bright enough to follow their orders from fox "news".

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

You've upset 3 magats so far.

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

Bots and trolls in shambles right now

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 5 months ago

And he accomplished that amazing feet in only four years!!!

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 13 points 6 months ago

You don't know why people hate on him???? Do you live under a rock?

[-] InternetUser2012@lemmy.today 12 points 6 months ago

A big reason for it is you bring your car for service. It's going to take time. They have a bunch of cars to get through, they'll look at yours, determine what you need, sell it to you, then order parts. In the meantime the tech has moved on to another car while they wait. You're sitting in the waiting room wanting to know WHY IN THE HELL IS HE NOT WORKING ON MY CAR??!?!?! I'M SITTING HERE AND YOU'RE WASTING MY TIME!!! Then you're mad it took half a day to get the parts in because the parts supplier had to run across town to get the parts and you leave a bad review. That bad review wasn't fair and it hurts the shop.

At the end of the day, it's not worth working on your car under those circumstances. You admit your car is a POS and you're broke. That also means your car is going to need a lot of shit you can't afford so you're going to pick the bandaid to keep it going. Then a few weeks later something else breaks because you put the bandaid on it and now you're mad and blame the shop. More crap the shop has to deal with when it wasn't their fault or problem in the first place.

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