I think when he starts going off and the spittle starts flying out of his mouth she should interrupt and ask that someone put up a shield in front of him or put a mask on.
Not necessarily cover up, but to 100% get away with them.
Sounds very much like a bot/troll.
Says the dipshit that just talked shit to google. I would be really scared if Dementia Don the weirdo racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence was actually intelligent. But, since he has two brain cells fighting for third place, I can sleep at night knowing he's going to get his ass kicked in November.
Don't forget he's a racist and a rapist with 34 felonies. Just for fun, picture the repulikkklown party together in a room watching a verdict for Obama catching 34 felonies for election interference.... Meanwhile, Dementia Don is their guy...
That's just the bots.
They dropped the law and order part when Dementia Don started racking up charges.
Me too. Problem is, that's not an option. They're taking your data regardless, so if you pay them, you're paying them to take your data.
I understand it's business. I'm just not going to participate in them making anymore money off ME.
Midwest, his name isn't Don, and he didn't do any drugs, or drinking. Probably why he never got caught.