Do you know what amnesia is? Do you have it? Betcha only answer one lol
He seems to get that a lot, including what country he's in. Weird right?
Could add in there somewhere he lost the popular vote by millions.
I'm about to back to mirc and see if there's anything left there.
Not forever. Just as long as he has a share of it.
Dementia DonOLD the weird racist rapist with 34 felonies that can't complete a coherent sentence is a very special snowflake. The most delicate snowflake. It's really sad how far the dementia is progressing, he should drop out and seek treatment, it's just embarrassing at this point.
SoMeBoDy pLeAsE tHiNk Of ThE sHaReHoLdErS!!!!!
The problem still is, people will ignore that. Look at how many suckers believe fox "news" now? It wouldn't change anything.
I'm really surprised that hasn't happened yet
They'll just flip it and go see, we were right, the left are terrorists!! There needs to be enforced legislation. News should be news. It has to be factual and unbiased. Instead, we have corporations saying whatever the hell they want so their guy gets in and hurts the people they hate while giving them tax breaks.
You missed the question or selectively ignored it, I'll ask again.
Do you blame gun manufacturers for school shootings?