
But seriously, the wealth distribution is crazy, and the diet is pretty bad too.

They lost the bid to hide them, the headline is unclear.

As an American with a Swedish wife, if anything serious happens in the baltic, I think you can safely expect Virginia-class subs to start sprouting like dandelions.

Sweden isn't in NATO, but neither is New Zealand, and if China started sending boats for unfriendly visits I'm pretty sure we'd tool up and say "What's all this then?!"


It's the only solution we could possibly execute on, the longer we take to figure that out the worse it is for everyone.

I disagree, because in the game of chess you can never let your opponent see your pieces.

[-] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Yes, but also "We need a status quo cease fire, clearly things are getting dangerous for everybody, let's all sit down at the bargaining table right now. Of course, in the meantime we keep our current territory and that is the starting point for negotiation, not any territory you might get in the next few months."

It's calling timeout, no tag backs when you're losing in tag. Or as putin calls it "escalate to de-escalate".

Germans: [visible confusion]

Wait, I must be seeing double here!

4 Benders?

Agreed, I work with dozens of western Chinese, japanese and koreans every day.

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