Under Mr. Modi’s plan, corporate buyers would take a much greater role in Indian agriculture because farmers would have greater power to sell their crops to private buyers outside the mandi system, which he said would lift farmer incomes and increase exports.

Farms have been bought up by corporations over the past decade, now it's just more corporate agribusiness like everywhere else.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The reason we're rushing is because the government wants to look capable but it's not working out at all for them.

~~Swedish~~ European government do anything [challenge]: impossible!

Then again I'm from the US when you can count on the government doing something stupid or evil every day. Unless they forget.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

The USN didn't understand Gotland until recently, we've been doing drills in the area now, we took a second but we figured it out.


We're not malicious or uncaring, just... kind of slow.

We need to be careful and smart, but yeah, this is the only way out, better we start now.

We can cut down on meat and gas cars too, the low-hanging fruit, but pretending we're all somehow going back to hunting-gathering while sustaining our current population is some kind of delusional fantasy that only comes from drinking too much LSD.

Despite the fact that China is one of the world’s most effective democracies –

What. The. Fuck?!?!?!

How is a 1 party regime where the current ruler has already broken his term limit to illegally keep power indefinitely, and the party in power decides who is allowed to run, a democracy?

Oh wait, this is just changing words so war is peace, freedom is slavery again.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Paris is just Paris, its drama incarnate, the rest of France is basically a different country.

Because nobody else is suicidal enough to dare confront one, ever.

It had a record of 23:0 against the f-15, which has a record of 104:0 against every other fighter its gone up against.

The f22 is the air combat version of an aimbot combined with a wall hack.

I'll believe it when I find out how much Orban took as a bribe.

I didn't even know he was sick.

Fun part of that game was killing tiamat, lord of the dragons.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Russia was put in a geopolitical corner.

By russia.

They attacked Georgia in 2008, they attacked ukraine in 2014.

This is why nobody likes them and everybody wants to see them suffer, this is why so many countries were happy to give ukraine weapons if it meant Russian invaders would die.

Russia is a bully nation, and we get to watch that most beautiful moment, when the bullied stands up and blasts their bully in the face with a himars.

Putin won't last through the year, the thunder run destroyed his aura of invulnerability, I look forward to watching him do his Nick II impression.

Putin wasn't 'put in a position', he's the ruler of Russia, he has agency, and now we get to watch the Russian people pay the price for his stupidity.

[-] InverseParallax@voyager.lemmy.ml 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

That's not why this is weird, the fact that India is shifting deeper into the bRICs is.

China has been a strategic threat to India, between their close alliance and support of Pakistan and the whole kashmir thing, plus the past skirmishes in aksai chin (even in 2020/2021).

Modi doesn't really care about geopolitical history, he lives in the moment, whether that makes sense or not, hence surprise invalidating the currency over a weekend.

But I don't see how a menage a trois works here, especially given India's ties to the US.

This sounds like a Russian demand because they were tired of being paid in weak rupees. Knowing Modi, he'd gladly go along as long as he got a cut, and it hurt Pakistan enough.

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