Well it depends on your use case. You could make a script to encrypt a copy of all the files in a directory, make a folder in the cloud storage, and then move the encrypted files to that directory.
That reminds me of my quora account. One of my answers gets a few views every once in a while and they send me ten notifications about it.
You might be using too much, do you dilute it with water?
Eucalyptus is good for clearing your nose as well.
kleopatra is good, just make sure to backup your private key. If you are comfortable with a cli you could use gnupg. Its man page is good.
This sounds really familiar, but i can't put my finger on it.
iirc you should be able to set it to open play store links. I know this because when i click on one it asks me what app i want to use with an option of the playstore, aurora store and fdroid.
Firesticks and android tv both run android, something your run on a firestick will almost definitely run on android TV.
I can't be the only one who liked clippy in the XP days.
Thats what 12ft does. Its just a script blocking proxy.