She looks so done :D
Lucy only scratches me when I try to pick her up. Aside from that she often even jumps on my side of the bed to get her cuddles.
But she has a brother, Lynus, and we'll...he's a real diva, my wife even calls him a "Tsundere" 😅 Not only is he oftentimes just sitting on tables or windowsills, awaiting scritches. At SOME POINT when he gets them he inevitable grabs my hand with his paws and starts gnawing on my finger or thumb for whatever reason. It appears rather playful and he isn't stressed or anything but I still wonder why :'D
I bet he would wear a bowtie if he could.
(Also, how did you manage to put a collar on him in the first place?! My cats would shredd me :'D)
Ah ja, aufdringliche Gedanken. Ich liebs.
Soll kein Affront sein, aber ich glaube es wird Zeit c/ichbin40undlustig zu gründen. :'D
For all that wanna know: he has returned to normal lenth