I went to see the original Avatar movie 3 times. First time I unknowingly watched it in 2D. Then I thought “this would be amazing in 3D”. Then I saw it in 3D and it was so fantastic that, a few weeks later, I watched in 3D again. No regerts.
Damn I spent too much time on the interwebs. I instantly thought of the guy trying to stick the remote up his ass.
Ja hallo, ich bin der kleine Bruder, ich war's.
Ich frohlocke beim Anblick dieser Alberei.
Richtig was gelernt so früh am Tag! Danke. Das werde ich zum Klugscheißen nutzen.
Jungfrau gegen Tschad - das überlegene Maimai-Format👌
7 wonders duel.
Simutrans is great, but looks like dogshit.
"The thing" is always a great watch and worth coming back to.
Preeeeety sure the correct one for Germany is feddit.de
Every damn time. At work I got in contact with several "AI startups" and only after directly asking if they're just relying on Open AI they finally admitted that they are.
You could really tell they where trying to keep things vague before that.
Bruder was schreibst du für einen Müll? Ich verstehe’s nicht.