But you're not discussing it, your projecting your world views on others and making accusations and assumptions about me. Which I don't really appreciate. You neither know me, how my mind works or what I've gone through. It also seems like you may or may not understand how mental health issues can affect cognition or perception.

So with that, I'll end the conversation there.

It was a joke. Just like "If a tree falls in the forest, and you're watching a video of it on Linux, does it make a sound?"

I dislike Bluetooth anyway, it's a shit protocol.

What does that even matter?

Maybe I don't want to be alive? Maybe being alive was something that was done to me? Maybe being born into the family and body I have is the trick?

Like, you sound so pedantic, bitter and quite angry about something people say to express something happening slowly without necessarily noticing how bad it is until something brings it to their attention.

Believe it or not, and this may be hard to grasp, but not everyone experiences life the way you do in your head.

Most likely, but the acid I think has the strongest scent.

I wasn't, I was just responding to the previous person as to why it's annoying

I think as long as you're living an active lifestyle, it's all good.

Just remember to always wear sunscreen :P

Yup, really doing a bang up job with that importance. Really look after each other, are full of compassion and want the best for all living creatures. Really a gift to this university..

It's only become as big of an issue now due to our own influence. Fertiliser runoff being a huge contributor.

Self hosting comes with administrative and financial burdens, something that the F in FOSS doesn't really help with, hence using a free service that deals with that for you.

Apparently shitty CEOs make amazing bacon..

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